Noah: a new TV spot, a new magazine article, and one man’s list of five positive things about the film

Noah: a new TV spot, a new magazine article, and one man’s list of five positive things about the film February 28, 2014

Another day, another TV spot for Darren Aronofsky’s Noah! This time the TV spot is called ‘Protect’, and it features just a couple new shots, plus a new tagline. As always, you can check them out below the jump, along with some other things that have popped up in the last 24 hours.

First, the new TV spot:

The soundbites are all familiar, but one of them — “The storm cannot be stopped, but it can be survived” — now plays with the actual footage from which it was taken:

The only other shot that seems new to me is this one of Noah opening a window or some such thing as he builds the Ark:

The TV spot also comes with a new tagline:


TV spots aren’t the only videos that Paramount Pictures is putting out right now. Yesterday they also released the following “motion poster”:

Meanwhile, Christianity Today posted a column today in which Jerry Johnson, the man who just persuaded Paramount to add a disclaimer to the film’s marketing materials, offered a list of “five commendable facts about Noah”:

  • Noah’s context among all films is positive.
  • Noah knows its place among Bible films.
  • Noah follows the basic plotline of the biblical story.
  • Noah takes some key Gospel doctrines seriously.
  • Noah takes some textual elements literally.

Read the article itself for the details that follow each of those bullet points. Next week Johnson will follow that up with a list of five things he didn’t like about the film.

Finally, Empire magazine has another article about the film in its April issue, and it comes with a few new pictures, behind-the-scenes and otherwise. I especially love the Aronofsky quote that begins: “In the story you have the first rainbow. If you have the first rainbow, who’s to say they even had blue skies before the Flood?”

Check out my earlier shot-by-shot trailer analyses here:

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