YEARLY ROUNDUP: Our Top Posts of 2014 on MISSION:WORK December 31, 2014

businessman-573024_640Check them out again! And stay tuned for more great musings and helpful tips on faith, work, vocation, calling, and economics in 2015!

  1. A Broken Brave New World: Greg Forster talks about a new approach to helping the poor.
  2. What’s Wrong With “Do What You Love?” Jeff Haanen asks if we can find a better guide to following our callings.
  3. Andy Crouch on Why We Can’t See the Faith-Work Connection–We’re Missing Chapters of Our Bible:  Chris Armstrong reports in from the “Redeeming Work” event in Minneapolis on the parts of the Bible we tend to leave out.
  4. Faith, Work, and #Ferguson: An Opportunity for Us: Vincent Bacote outlines how the faith and work movement could respond to the broken systems that contributed to the recent events in Ferguson, Mo.
  5. Community Development Forum: Growing New Ideas: An interview with Brian Jones of Innové Project about the way a church is incubating new and entrepreneurial businesses in Minneapolis-St. Paul.  (PS. They are receiving applications for their next round of grants until January 5, 2015!)
  6. Reframe Your Life: Here’s How: Information on a new curriculum about connecting faith to daily life, produced by the Washington Institute for Faith, Culture, and Vocation in cooperation with Regent College.  You can read even more about it in these other posts on the topic.
  7. Does Blue-Collar Work Have Any Meaning?: Former pastor and factory worker Larry Saunders on why he couldn’t feel fulfilled on the factory floor despite following all the precepts he preached to his congregation.
  8. Politics in the Pulpit: Yes and No? Preach about justice, says Greg Forster.
  9. What Does Faith and Work Mean to Blue-Collar Workers?: The Oikonomia Network muses on what the faith and work movement needs to do differently to respond to the challenges of blue-collar work.
  10. Faith and Work Movement, Heal Thyself: Chris Armstrong talks about how consumerism in the American church has disconnected us from any real efforts to transform the culture.

Image: Pixabay.


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