” . . . Close Partners or Mortal Enemies?“
[cover design by Dave Armstrong]
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Dedication (p.3)
1. Christianity’s Central Role in the Conception and Development of Modern Science (p. 7) [read online]
2. Fertile Soil and Roots of Modern Science: 33 Prominent Christians Prior to 1000 A. D. With Empiricist, Proto-Scientific Views (p. 19)
3. 59 Catholic Medieval and/or Scholastic Proto-Scientists From 1000 to 1500 A. D (p. 37)
4. 70 Catholic, Protestant and Otherwise Religious Prominent Scientists: 1500-1700 (From Copernicus to Steno, Boyle, and Ray) (p. 73)5. 36 Catholic, Protestant and Otherwise Religious Prominent Scientists: 1700-1800 (From Newton to Linnaeus, Boscovich, and Lavoisier) (p. 107)
6. 41 Catholic, Protestant and Otherwise Religious Prominent Scientists: 1800-1850 (From Dalton to Humboldt, Cuvier, and Faraday) (p. 127)
7. 56 Catholic, Protestant and Otherwise Religious Prominent Scientists: 1850-1900 (From Maxwell to Mendel, Pasteur, and Kelvin) (p.153)
8. 31 Catholic, Protestant and Otherwise Religious Prominent Scientists: 1900-1950 (From Einstein to Planck, Eddington, and Lemaître) (p. 191)
9. 115 Scientific Fields of Study Founded or Extraordinarily Advanced by Christian or Theistic Scientists / 34 Prominent Catholic Priest-Scientists and Mathematicians: 1500-1950 (p. 221) [read online]
10. Albert Einstein’s “Cosmic Religion” (p. 231) [read online]
11. The Galileo Case: Historical Facts and Neglected Considerations vs. Secular Revisionist Myths (p. 249)
12. Galileo and Other Prominent 16th-17th Century Astronomers’ Acceptance of Astrology (p. 257) [excerpts]
13. “No One’s Perfect”: Scientific Errors of Galileo and 16th-17th Century Cosmologies Rescued From Inexplicable Obscurity (p. 269) [read similar version]
14. The Execution of Antoine Lavoisier: the Great Catholic Scientist and “Father of Chemistry” by “Enlightened” French Revolutionaries (p. 275) [read online]15. Christian Influence on Science: Master List of Scores of Bibliographical and Internet Resources (p. 285) [read online]
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Last updated on 25 September 2020