William Lane Craig (b. 1949): foremost proponent and vigorous defender of the cosmological argument in the present generation. Official press release photo: 13 March 2014 [Wikimedia Commons / Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license]
Alphabetical by Author
The Thomistic Cosmological Argument (W. David Beck, 2004)
Professor Mackie and the Kalam Cosmological Argument (William Lane Craig, 1985)
The Existence of God and the Beginning of the Universe (William Lane Craig, 1991)
The Origin and Creation of the Universe: A Response to Adolf Grünbaum (William Lane Craig, 1992)
God and the Initial Cosmological Singularity: A Reply to Quentin Smith (William Lane Craig, 1992)
Graham Oppy on the Kalam Cosmological Argument (William Lane Craig, 1993)
The Caused Beginning of the Universe: A Response to Quentin Smith (William Lane Craig, 1993)
Creation and Big Bang Cosmology (William Lane Craig, 1994)
A Response to Grünbaum on Creation and Big Bang Cosmology (William Lane Craig, 1994)
In Defense of the Kalam Cosmological Argument (William Lane Craig, 1995)
A Swift and Simple Refutation of the Kalam Cosmological Argument? (William Lane Craig, 1999)
The Ultimate Question of Origins: God and the Beginning of the Universe (William Lane Craig, 1999)
Causal Premiss of the Kalam Argument (William Lane Craig, 2007)
Objections to the Causal Principle (William Lane Craig, 2009)
Leibniz’s Cosmological Argument and the PSR (William Lane Craig, 2009)
The Leibnizian Cosmological Argument (William Lane Craig, 2010)
The Best of the Kalam Cosmological Argument (William Lane Craig, 2010)
Is the Cause of the Universe an Uncaused, Personal Creator? (William Lane Craig, 2010)
36 Arguments for the Existence of God: Goldstein on the Cosmological Argument (William Lane Craig, 2010)
Lawrence Krauss’ Response and Perspective (William Lane Craig, 2011)
Must Everything that Begins to Exist Have a Material Cause? (William Lane Craig, 2011)
The Scientific Kalam Cosmological Argument (William Lane Craig, 2012)
Infinite Regress and the Leibnizian Cosmological Argument (William Lane Craig, 2012)
Philosophical Concerns With the Kalam Cosmological Argument (William Lane Craig, 2013)
A Rabbi Looks at the Kalam Argument (William Lane Craig, 2013)
Is the Kalam Cosmological Argument Circular? (William Lane Craig, 2014)
Questions about Leibniz’s Cosmological Argument (William Lane Craig, 2014)
Necessity and the Argument from Contingency (William Lane Craig, 2014)
The Kalam Cosmological Argument (William Lane Craig, 2015)
Cosmology – A Religion for Atheists? [Stephen Hawking] (William Lane Craig, 2015)
Edwards on infinite causal series (Edward Feser, 2010)
Hume, cosmological arguments, and the fallacy of composition (Edward Feser, 2010)
The dreaded causa sui (Edward Feser, 2010)
So you think you understand the cosmological argument? (Edward Feser, 2011)
A first without a second (Edward Feser, 2011)
Hume, science, and religion (Edward Feser, 2009)
Why are (some) physicists so bad at philosophy? (Edward Feser, 2011)
What part of “nothing” don’t you understand? (Edward Feser, 2011)
Cosmological argument roundup (Edward Feser, 2012)
Forgetting nothing, learning nothing (Edward Feser, 2013)
A gigantic book royalty check from nothing (Edward Feser, 2013)
Why Is There Anything At All? It’s Simple (Edward Feser, 2013)
Avicenna’s argument from contingency [+ Part II] (Edward Feser, 2013)
The First Cause Argument (Peter Kreeft, 1988)
Libertarian Agency and the Craig/Grunbaum Debate (J.P. Moreland, 1997)
Who or What Caused God? (J.P. Moreland, 2007)
Leibnizian Cosmological Arguments (Alexander R. Pruss, 2009)
Cosmological Argument (Bruce Reichenbach, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2012)
Can There Be an Endless Regress of Causes? (James A. Sadowsky, 1980)
Cosmological Argument (Wikipedia)
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