Teleological Argument for God (Copious Resources)

Teleological Argument for God (Copious Resources) October 27, 2015


Spiral galaxy NGC 1232 with NGC 1232A at lower left; photograph by European Southern Observatory (ESO): 12-31-97 [Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 4.0 license]


Alphabetical by Author



Experimental Support for Regarding Functional Classes of Proteins to Be Highly Isolated from Each Other (+ Part II) (Michael J. Behe, 1992)

Response to K. John Morrow, Jr. on Immunology and Teleology (Michael J. Behe, 1992)

Darwin Under the Microscope (Michael J. Behe, 1996)

Evidence for Intelligent Design from Biochemistry (Michael J. Behe, 1996)

The Sterility of Darwinism (Michael J. Behe, 1997)

Michael Behe’s Response to Boston Review Critics (Michael J. Behe, 1997)

Molecular Machines: Experimental Support for the Design Inference (Michael J. Behe, 1998)

Irreducible Complexity and the Evolutionary Literature: Response to Critics (Michael J. Behe, 2000)

In Defense of the Irreducibility of the Blood Clotting Cascade (Michael J. Behe, 2000)

Philosophical Objections to Intelligent Design: Response to Critics (Michael J. Behe, 2000)

A Mousetrap Defended: Response to Critics (Michael J. Behe, 2000)

“A True Acid Test”: Response to Ken Miller (Michael J. Behe, 2000)

Correspondence with Science Journals: Response to critics concerning peer-review (Michael J. Behe, 2000)

Comments on Ken Miller’s Reply to My Essays (Michael J. Behe, 2001)

Blind Evolution or Intelligent Design? (Michael J. Behe, 2002)

Answering Scientific Criticisms of Intelligent Design (Michael J. Behe, 2002)

Evidence for Design at the Foundation of Life (Michael J. Behe, 2002)

Irreducible Complexity is an Obstacle to Darwinism Even if Parts of a System have other Functions (Michael J. Behe, 2004)

“Intelligent Design” Challenges Evolutionary Theory (Michael J. Behe & Mark Ryland, 2004)

The Basis for a Design Theory of Origins (Michael J. Behe, 2005)

Michael Behe On The Theory of Irreducible Complexity (Michael J. Behe, 2006)

“The evolutionary puzzle becomes more complex at a higher level of cellular organization.” No kidding. (Michael J. Behe, 2007)

Neither sequence similarity nor common descent address a claim of Intelligent Design (Michael J. Behe, 2007)

Waiting Longer for Two Mutations (Michael J. Behe, 2009)

Reducible Versus Irreducible Systems and Darwinian Versus Non-Darwinian Processes (Michael J. Behe, 2009)

Nature Paper Reaches “Edge of Evolution” and Finds Darwinian Processes Lacking (Michael J. Behe, 2009)

Probability and Controversy: Response to Carl Zimmer and Joseph Thornton (Michael J. Behe, 2009)

God, Design, and Contingency in Nature (Michael J. Behe, 2009)

Misusing Protistan Examples to Propagate Myths About Intelligent Design (Michael J. Behe, 2010)

The First Rule of Adaptive Evolution: A reply to Jerry Coyne (Michael J. Behe, 2010)

More From Jerry Coyne (Michael J. Behe, 2010)

Even More From Jerry Coyne (Michael J. Behe, 2011)

Richard Lenski, “Evolvability,” and Tortuous Darwinian Pathways (Michael J. Behe, 2011)

“Irremediable Complexity” (Michael J. Behe, 2011)

At BioLogos, Confusion over the Meaning of “Irreducibly Complex” (Michael J. Behe, 2012)

“Close to a Miracle”: Unexpected Candor on the Origin of Proteins (Michael J. Behe, 2013)

Lenski’s Long-Term Evolution Experiment: 25 Years and Counting (Michael J. Behe, 2013)

From Thornton’s Lab, More Strong Experimental Support for a Limit to Darwinian Evolution (Michael J. Behe, 2014)

A Key Inference of The Edge of Evolution Has Now Been Experimentally Confirmed (Michael J. Behe, 2014)

Guide of the Perplexed: A Quick Reprise of The Edge of Evolution (Michael J. Behe, 2014)

The Edge of Evolution: Why Darwin’s Mechanism Is Self-Limiting (Michael J. Behe, 2014)

Finally, a Detailed, Stepwise Proposal for a Major Evolutionary Change? (Michael J. Behe, 2015)

“Resurrected” Flagella Were Just Unplugged (Michael J. Behe, 2015)

Kenneth Miller Steps on Darwin’s Achilles Heel (Michael J. Behe, 2015)

[see many more articles on Intelligent Design, by Michael J. Behe]

Darwin’s Black Box (Ray Bohlin, 1997)

Designed or Designoid (Walter L. Bradley, 1998)

The Designed ‘Just So’ Universe (Walter L. Bradley, 1999)


The Fine-Tuning Evidence is Convincing (Stenger’s Fallacies) (Robin Collins)

Modern Cosmology and Anthropic Fine-Tuning: Three Approaches (Robin Collins)

Universe or Multiverse? A Theistic Perspective (Robin Collins)

An Evaluation of William A. Dembski’s The Design Inference (Robin Collins, 1998)

A Critical Evaluation of the Intelligent Design Program: An Analysis and a Proposal (Robin Collins, 1998)

The Fine-Tuning Design Argument (Robin Collins, 1999)

Intelligent Design is Not Science But Metascience (Robin Collins, 2006)

The Case for Cosmic Design (Robin Collins, 2008)

The Fine-Tuning for Discoverability (Robin Collins, 2014)

Barrow and Tipler on the Anthropic Principle vs. Divine Design (William Lane Craig, 1988)

The Teleological Argument and the Anthropic Principle (William Lane Craig, 1990)

The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance through Small Probabilities (William Lane Craig, 1998)


Fine-tuning and Intelligent Life (William Lane Craig, 2010)

The Grand Design — Truth Or Fiction? (William Lane Craig, 2011)

Dr. Craig on Collins vs Dawkins on Design of Universe (William Lane Craig, 2013)

Is the Watchmaker Argument Still Valid? (William Lane Craig, 2014)

Is “Fine-Tuning” Question-Begging? (William Lane Craig, 2015)

Should Christians Accept Intelligent Design? (William Lane Craig, 2015)

Whatever Happened to Intelligent Design? (William Lane Craig, 2015)

Dr. Craig on Neil deGrasse Tyson vs. Intelligent Design (William Lane Craig, 2015)


Intelligent Design as a Theory of Information (William A. Dembski)

Science and Design (William A. Dembski, 1998)

The Intelligent Design Movement (William A. Dembski, 1998)

Why Evolutionary Algorithms Cannot Generate Specified Complexity (William A. Dembski, 1999)

Intelligent Design Coming Clean (William A. Dembski, 2000)

Intelligent Design is not Optimal Design (William A. Dembski, 2000)

Another Way to Detect Design? (William A. Dembski, 2000)

ID as a Theory of Technological Evolution (William A. Dembski, 2001)

Is Intelligent Design Testable? (William A. Dembski, 2001)

The Third Mode of Explanation: Detecting Evidence of Intelligent Design in the Sciences (William A. Dembski, 2002)

Does Evolution Even Have A Mechanism? (William A. Dembski, 2002)

Intelligent Design and Peer Review (William A. Dembski, 2003)

Still Spinning Just Fine: A Response to Ken Miller (William A. Dembski, 2003)

Design by Elimination or Design by Comparison (William A. Dembski, 2004)

Design Inference vs. Design Hypothesis (William A. Dembski, 2012)


In Defense of the Fine Tuning Design Argument (James Hannam, 2001)

Design Arguments for the Existence of God (Kenneth Himma, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

The Compatibility of Darwinism and Design (Peter van Inwagen, 2003)

Darwinism and Design (Peter van Inwagen, 2010)

Post-Agnostic Science: How Physics Is Reviving The Argument From Design (Robert C. Koons, 1998)

Do Anthropic Coincidences Require Explanation? (Robert C. Koons, 1998)

Swinburne’s Design Argument: Teleological Explanation and Simplicity (Robert C. Koons, 1998)

Critiques of the Design Argument: Mackie (Robert C. Koons, 1998)

Argument from Design (Peter Kreeft, 1988)


Testability, Likelihoods, and Design (Lydia McGrew)

Things God Can Do to Reveal Himself (Lydia McGrew, 2014)

Special agent intention as an explanation (Lydia McGrew, 2014)

I was a teenage demarcationist (Lydia McGrew, 2015)

Creation doesn’t have to be different (Lydia McGrew, 2015)


DNA and Other Designs (Stephen C. Meyer, 2000)

Designer Genes (Patricia A. Mondore & Robert J. Mondore, 1998)


DNA: The Message in the Message (Nancy R. Pearcey, 1996)

The Prospects for Natural Theology (Alvin Plantinga, 1991)

Programs, Bugs, DNA and a Design Argument (Alexander R. Pruss, 2004)

Altruism, Teleology and God (Alexander R. Pruss, 2005)

Teleological Arguments for God’s Existence (Del Ratzsch &  Jeffrey Koperski, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, rev. 2015)


DNA, Design, and the Origin of Life (Charles B. Thaxton, 1986)

In Pursuit of Intelligent Causes: Some Historical Background (Charles B. Thaxton, 1991)


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