Hundreds Sent to Mental Institutions Due To Mole Children

Hundreds Sent to Mental Institutions Due To Mole Children April 8, 2020

New Y0rk City – While COVID-19 is sending many New Yorkers to area hospitals, hundreds are being dragged into mental institutions due to viewing subterranean mole children.

The Sad Story Of Mole Children

QAnon supporters report on the tragic story of deformed mole children bred to be sex slaves under Central Park

So here’s what the deal is (I think): They believe that the COVID-19 epidemic is a big ruse meant to keep people in their houses while the US military rescues thousands of children from underground tunnels, some of which they claim are right underneath Central Park. These children were, I guess, transported to the Navy hospital ships — the USNS Comfort in New York and the USNS Mercy in Los Angeles. Now, they claim, these children are being treated in all of the tents that were set up in Central Park to treat people with COVID-19.

President Donald Trump ordered these poor souls to be freed by none other than the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force.

The coronavirus hoax is a way for the government to free the children from their Moorlockian existence unnoticed. You will be amazed at why these sex slaves needed to be hidden from the world.

In case you are wondering why we haven’t heard anything about this marvelous rescue mission, it is because if we all found out what has really been going on, we’d all go crazy and end up in mental institutions.

Hundreds Sent to Mental Institutions

Unfortunately, some plucky New Yorkers and Sex Slave Mole Children truthers ignored the stay at home order. They stumbled on the rescue mission. On seeing the deformed slaves, they instantly went mad.

“I’ve only seen this once before,” admitted on anonymous psychiatrist working at Arkham Asylum, “and that was when Donald Trump was elected President.”

The real problem is the lack of hospital beds during this so-called pandemic. Reliable QAnon sources state now that the underground sex slave breeding tunnels under Central Park are empty, those afflicted with madness may be housed there.

Only time will tell.

In related news, Iceland releases an ad attacking religion.


*Thanks to Jack Matirko for telling me about this fantastic story.



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