Back from a holiday and COVID hiatus...I had the opportunity to facilitate a conversation between Umar Lee and Ubaydullah Evans on the state of American Muslims. Ubaydullah Evans is the Scholar-in-Residence at ALIM (American Learning Initiative for Muslims). He converted to Islam in high school and went on to obtain his degree in Shariah from Al-Azhar University in Egypt. He is also active with the Inner City Muslim Action Network (IMAN) and Ta'leef Collective in Chicago. Umar Lee is a writer, media personality and political activist from St. Louis, Missouri. He converted to Islam 30 years ago in 1992. He is a previous guest on the podcast. The topics we discussed are: -The ethics of accepting converts into a dysfunctional community -Are most white converts identity seekers? -The decline of Black American Islam -Racism and Classism amongst South Asians and Arabs -When piety becomes extremism -When pushing a fake image of religiosity leads to mental health problems -Muslims proclivity to conspiracy theories You can support the podcast at