March 6, 2018

In the first decades of the 20th century, many Americans embraced aviation with religious enthusiasm, with some evangelizing for it as a source of social and physical transformation. Read more

March 5, 2018

My book Crucible of Faith recently received an extremely positive and generous review, and I want to argue strenuously against it. Well, not exactly, but here is what happened. In the British Catholic Herald, Michel Duggan gave the book just an excellent review, but he made one point that troubled me – not troubled that the reviewer was making the point, but because it raised an issue I really should have addressed more explicitly. My book described the emergence of... Read more

March 2, 2018

In several past blogs, I have commented on the extreme difficulty of reading the New Testament in English translation, where you miss a lot of the connections, echoes, and resonances that would strike a Greek speaker. The same is true of Hebrew in the Old Testament, where reading in even the best translation means missing a great many puns and word-plays, but that’s a separate subject. Here I want to focus on one particular Greek word that points to a... Read more

March 1, 2018

For me, as for many evangelicals, Billy Graham’s death is personal. In 1988, Billy Graham came to my hometown of Rochester, New York. I was a fourteen-year-old Christian. Two years before Graham’s visit, I had come forward to dedicate my life to Jesus Christ at a church revival. I was active in Young Life. By active, I mean that I encouraged my high school classmates to come to weekly YL meetings and come to the summer camps at which they... Read more

February 28, 2018

How black fundamentalists responded to Moody Bible Institute's accommodation to racial segregation Read more

February 27, 2018

Billy Graham was a Christian college student, president, trustee, and benefactor. What's his legacy for Christian higher ed, and evangelical intellectual life more generally? Read more

February 26, 2018

The recent school shooting in Parkland, Florida reminds us once again about the dispiriting frequency of these tragedies. So many have happened that it is often hard to remember them individually. With this in mind, I re-post a reflection I wrote after the December, 14, 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut that killed 20 children and six adults. I wrote it in January 2013 near the Feast of Holy Innocents. Herewith: The senseless tragedy in Newtown,... Read more

February 23, 2018

So much has been written over the past few days about Billy Graham, who really does fit the description of a world-historical figure. I want here to address  one sidelight on his work that I came across in research I did some years back on the Cold War era in the US. Although it certainly does not diminish his achievement, I want to stress how absolutely his ministry in the 1950s was rooted in the apocalyptic mindset of the peak... Read more

February 22, 2018

I remember the day a couple years back when my Facebook feed was suddenly overtaken with grief. Kate Bowler, the preeminent historian of the prosperity gospel, but more importantly beloved friend to so many in my circle of religious historians, had been diagnosed with stage IV cancer. As she broke the news to all her “dears,” with characteristic grace and wit, the sorrow was palpable. At that time I hadn’t yet met Kate, but for at least a couple of... Read more

February 21, 2018

I got back from lunch just now and found about four times the normal number of links on my Feedly reader. Which is what happens when you’re interested in evangelicalism and Billy Graham dies, at the age of 99. So, knowing that there’s no shortage of commentary on this particular passing — and that at least one or two of us will write more in the days to come — let me share just a few of the many Anxious Bench posts... Read more

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