Books by Dave Armstrong: “The Quotable Augustine”

Books by Dave Armstrong: “The Quotable Augustine” July 1, 2012
Cover (551x833)
[245 pages. Completed on 1 September 2012 and published by Lulu on the same day]

[cover design by Dave Armstrong]

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[all posted on my Facebook page unless otherwise noted]

St. Augustine: Thoroughly Catholic: 135 Proofs [blog]


Index of Topics

Adam and Eve
Angels, Intercession of
Anointing the Sick with Consecrated Oil (Sacrament)
Apostasy (Falling Away from the Faith or Salvation)
Apostolic Succession
Baptism and Being “Born Again”
Baptism and Justification
Baptism and Salvation
Baptism, Infant
Baptism, Method or Mode of
Baptism of Desire
Baptismal Regeneration
Celibacy and Singleness
Church and Salvation
Church: Authority of
Church: Blaspheming of
Church, Catholic
Church: Fullness of the Faith
Church, Holy Mother
Church, Indefectibility of
Church, Infallibility of
Church: One “True”
Church, Sinners in
Church, Visible
Confirmation, Sacrament of
Contraception; Contralife Will
Councils, Ecumenical
Creation Days
Creation Ex Nihilo
Cross, Sign of the
Dead: Almsgiving for
Dead: Masses for
Dead: Offerings for
Dead: Prayer for
Denominationalism; Sectarianism
Deuterocanon (“Apocrypha”)
Development (of Doctrine)
Dissent (from Catholicism)
Eucharist and Salvation
Eucharist: Real Substantial Presence
Eucharistic Adoration
Faith Alone (Falsity of)
Faith and Reason
Faith and Works
Fast: Eucharistic
Fasting and Abstinence
Free Will
Free Will and God’s Foreknowledge
Friday Abstinence
Gentiles: Salvation of, Prior to Christ
God: Circumincession / Coinherence / Perichoresis
God: Immutability, Simplicity, and Self-Sufficiency
God: Impeccability of (Impossibility of Sinning)
God: Middle Knowledge of
God: Omniscience of
God: Outside of Time
God, Providence of
God: Sustainer of Creation
God the Father: Monarchia  / Principatus of
Gospels, Harmony of
Grace: Degrees or Greater Measure of
Grace, Irresistible (Falsity of)
Hades; Sheol; Paradise; Intermediate State
Hardening of the Heart
Hell (Eternal Punishment)
Heresy; Heretics
Holy Days
Holy Items
Holy Places; Shrines
Holy Spirit: Procession of (Filioque Dispute)
Homosexual Acts
Images, Icons, and Statues: Use and Veneration of
Jesus Christ: “Made Sin”
Jesus Christ: Supposed “Ignorance” of Certain Matters
Jonah and the Whale
Judgment and Works
Judgment of Nations
Justification, Imputed  (Initial)
Justification, Infused (Sanctification)
Marriage: Sacrament
Mary: Mother of God (Theotokos)
Mary: New Eve; Second Eve
Mary: Perpetual Virginity of
Mary: Sinlessness
Mary: Virginity In Partu (During Childbirth)
Mass, Daily
Mass, Sacrifice of
Mass, Sacrifice of (and the Crucifixion)
Monks and Nuns; Evangelical Counsels
Mortification and Self-Denial
Original Sin; Fall of Man
Orthodoxy (Correct Beliefs)
Paganism and Christianity
Papacy; Popes
Paul the Apostle: Commissioned by the Church
Peter: Primacy of
Prayer (of the Righteous)
Priests; Sacrament of Holy Orders
Priests and “Call No Man ‘Father’”
Purgatory; Preparation for Heaven in the Afterlife (and This Life)
Rationalism (in Opposition to Faith)
Reprobation; Causes of Damnation
Roman Primacy
Rule of Faith / “Three-Legged Stool” (Bible-Church-Tradition)
Sacramentals and Sacramentalism
Sacraments and Grace
Sacraments and Salvation
Sacraments: Ex Opere Operato
Saints: Awareness of and Contact with This World
Saints, Communion of
Saints, Incorruptible Bodies of
Saints, Intercession of
Saints, Invocation of
Saints, Veneration of
Schism; Separation
Scripture: Canon of
Scripture: Hermeneutics (Interpretation)
Scripture: Inerrancy and Infallibility
Scripture: Inspiration of
Scripture: Manuscripts
Scripture: Perspicuity (Clearness of)
Scripture: Septuagint (Ancient Greek Translation)
Sin: Mortal and Venial
Suffering, Redemptive (Participation in Christ’s Suffering)
Synergy: Cooperation with God’s Grace as “Co-Laborers”
Theosis; Divinization
Total Depravity (Falsity of); Human Nature
Tradition, Apostolic
Tradition, Oral
Traditions of Men
War, Just
Works, Good (in Grace)
Worship (Latria)


[all in the public domain and conveniently linked]


Philip Schaff, editor, Early Church Fathers: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Series 1 (“NPNF 1”), 14 Volumes (volumes 1-8 devoted to St. Augustine); Buffalo, New York: Christian Literature Publishing Co.,1887; also published in Edinburgh, 1889. Identified by “NPNF 1-2,” “NPNF 1-8,” etc. (the second number being the particular volume). Available online: 

Benedictine Fathers, translators, Seventeen Short Treatises of St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo  [“17ST”], Oxford: John Henry Parker, 1847. Available online:;=st.+augustine,+on+the+Usefulness+of+Believing&source;=gbs_navlinks_s

(with chronological dates and Latin titles: taken from the 1995 Internet chart by Allan D. Fitzgerald, O.S.A.: editor of Augustine Through the Ages: An Encyclopedia [Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1999; 952 pages]; also abbreviations, translators, secondary sources, and URLs from the Internet )

386-387 Sol. The Soliloquies (Soliloquiorum) [tr. C. C. Starbuck; NPNF 1-7]

387 / 389 Mor.C  On the Morals of the Catholic Church (De moribus ecclesiae catholicae) [tr. Richard Stothert; NPNF 1-4]

387 / 389 Mor.M  On the Morals of the Manichaeans (De moribus Manichaeorum) [tr. Richard Stothert; NPNF 1-4]

391 Believ. On the Usefulness of Believing (De utilitate credendi) [tr. C. L. Cornish; NPNF 1-3]

392 C.Fortun. Disputation Against Fortunatus [tr. Albert H. Newman; NPNF 1-4]

392 / 393 Soul.c.M  Of Two Souls, Against the Manichees (De duabus animabus contra Manichaeos) [tr. Albert H. Newman; NPNF 1-4]

393 F.Creed Of Faith and the Creed (De fide et symbolo) [tr. S. D. F. Salmond; NPNF 1-3]

393 / 394 S.Mount On the Sermon on the Mount [Bk I / Bk II] (De sermone Domini in monte) [tr. William Findlay; NPNF 1-6]

393 Cat.Creed Sermon to Catechumens on the Creed [tr. by H. Browne; NPNF 1-3]

396 Confl. On the Christian Conflict (De agone christiano) [tr. Benedictine Fathers; 17ST]

396-426 Doctr. On Christian Doctrine (De doctrina christiana) [tr. James Shaw; NPNF 1-2]

396-420 E.Ps. Expositions on the Psalms (Enarrationes in Psalmos) [tr. J. E. Tweed; NPNF 1-8]

397 C.Fund.M Against the Fundamental Epistle of Manichaeus (Contra epistulam quam vocant fundamenti) [tr. Richard Stothert; NPNF 1-4]

397-401 Conf. The Confessions (Confessiones) [tr. J. G. Pilkington; NPNF 1-1]

397-398 C.Faust. Against Faustus the Manichee (Contra Faustum Manichaeum) [tr. Richard Stothert; NPNF 1-4]

399 Good On the Nature of Good (De natura boni) [tr. Albert H. Newman; NPNF 1-4]

399-419 Trin. On the Trinity (De trinitate) [tr. Arthur West Haddan; NPNF 1-3]

400 Harm.G. Harmony of the Gospels (De consensu evangelistarum) [tr. S. D. F. Salmond; NPNF 1-6]

400 Monks On the Work of Monks (De opere monachorum) [tr. by H. Browne; NPNF 1-3]

400 Cat.U. On Catechizing the Uninstructed (De catechizandis rudibus) [tr. S. D. F. Salmond; NPNF 1-3]

400 / 401 Bapt. On Baptism, Against the Donatists (De baptismo) [tr. J. R. King; rev. Chester D. Hartranft; NPNF 1-4]

401 Marr. On the Good of Marriage (De bono coniugale) [tr. C. L. Cornish; NPNF 1-3]

401 Virg. On Holy Virginity (De sancta virginate) [tr. C. L. Cornish; NPNF 1-3]

401 / 405 C.Pet. Against the Letters of Petilian the Donatist (Contra litteras Petiliani) [tr. J. R. King; rev. Chester D. Hartranft; NPNF 1-4]

406-430 L.John Lectures on the Gospel of John (In euangelium Ioannis tractatus) [tr. John Gibb; NPNF 1-7]

407 / 409 H.1Jn Homilies on the First Epistle of John (Tractatus in epistolam Ioannis ad Parthos) [tr. by H. Browne; NPNF 1-7]

412 Sin.I.Bapt. On Merit and the Forgiveness of Sins and on Infant Baptism (De peccatorum meritis et remissione et de baptismo parvulorum) [tr. Peter Holmes and Robert E. Wallis, rev. Benjamin B. Warfield; NPNF 1-5]

412 Sp.L On the Spirit and the Letter (De spiritu et littera)[tr. Peter Holmes and Robert E. Wallis, rev. Benjamin B. Warfield; NPNF 1-5]

412 / 413 F.Works On Faith and Works (De fide et operibus) [tr. Benedictine Fathers; 17ST]

413-427 City City of God (De civitate Dei) [tr. Marcus Dods; NPNF 1-2]

414 / 415 Nat. On Nature and Grace (De natura et gratia) [tr. Peter Holmes and Robert E. Wallis, rev. Benjamin B. Warfield; NPNF 1-5]

415 / 416 Perf. On Man’s Perfection in Righteousness (De perfectione iustitiae) [tr. Peter Holmes and Robert E. Wallis, rev. Benjamin B. Warfield; NPNF 1-5]

417 P.Pel. On the Proceedings of Pelagius (De gestis Pelagii) [tr. Peter Holmes and Robert E. Wallis, rev. Benjamin B. Warfield; NPNF 1-5]

418 Grace.Orig. On the Grace of Christ and on Original Sin (De gratia Christi et de peccato originali) [tr. Peter Holmes and Robert E. Wallis, rev. Benjamin B. Warfield; NPNF 1-5]

419 / 420 M.Concup. On Marriage and Concupiscence (De nuptiis et concupiscentia) [tr. Peter Holmes and Robert E. Wallis, rev. Benjamin B. Warfield; NPNF 1-5]

420 C.Ep.Pel. Against Two Letters of the Pelagians (Contra duas epistulas Pelagianorum) [tr. Peter Holmes and Robert E. Wallis, rev. Benjamin B. Warfield; NPNF 1-5]

420-422 Dead On the Care of the Dead (De cura pro mortuis gerenda) [tr. by H. Browne; NPNF 1-3]

421-422 Ench. Enchiridion: Handbook on Faith, Hope, and Love (Enchiridion ad Laurentium) [tr. J. F. Shaw; NPNF 1-3]

426 / 427 Grace.Free On Grace and Free Will (De gratia et libero arbitrio) [tr. Peter Holmes and Robert E. Wallis, rev. Benjamin B. Warfield; NPNF 1-5]

426 / 427 Reb.Gr. On Rebuke and Grace (De correptione et gratia) [tr. Peter Holmes and Robert E. Wallis, rev. Benjamin B. Warfield; NPNF 1-5]

428 / 429 Pred. On the Predestination of the Saints (De praedestinatione sanctorum) [tr. Peter Holmes and Robert E. Wallis, rev. Benjamin B. Warfield; NPNF 1-5]

428 / 429 Persev. On the Gift of Perseverance (De dono perseverantiae) [tr. Peter Holmes and Robert E. Wallis, rev. Benjamin B. Warfield; NPNF 1-5]

386-429 Ep.[#] Letters (Epistulae) [tr. J. G. Cunningham; NPNF 1-1]

393-430 Serm. Sermons on the New Testament (Sermones) [tr. R. G. MacMullen; NPNF 1-6]



Bapt. On Baptism, Against the Donatists (De baptismo) 400 / 401
Believ. On the Usefulness of Believing (De utilitate credendi) 391
C.Ep.Pel. Against Two Letters of the Pelagians (Contra duas epistulas Pelagianorum) 420
C.Faust. Against Faustus the Manichee (Contra Faustum Manichaeum)397-398
C.Fortun. Disputation Against Fortunatus 392
C.Fund.M Against the Fundamental Epistle of Manichaeus (Contra epistulam quam vocant fundamenti) 397
C.Pet. Against the Letters of Petilian the Donatist (Contra litteras Petiliani) 401 / 405
Cat.Creed Sermon to Catechumens on the Creed 393
Cat.U. On Catechizing the Uninstructed (De catechizandis rudibus) 400
City City of God (De civitate Dei) 413-427
Conf. The Confessions (Confessiones) 397-401
Confl. On the Christian Conflict (De agone christiano) 396
Dead On the Care of the Dead (De cura pro mortuis gerenda) 420-422
Doctr. On Christian Doctrine (De doctrina christiana) 396-426
E.Ps. Expositions on the Psalms (Enarrationes in Psalmos) 396-420
Ench. Enchiridion: Handbook on Faith, Hope, and Love (Enchiridion ad Laurentium) 421-422
Ep. [#] Letters (Epistulae) 386-429
F.Creed Of Faith and the Creed (De fide et symbolo) 393
F.Works On Faith and Works (De fide et operibus) 412 / 413
Good On the Nature of Good (De natura boni) 399

Grace.Free On Grace and Free Will (De gratia et libero arbitrio) 426 / 427

Grace.Orig. On the Grace of Christ and on Original Sin (De gratia Christi et de peccato originali) 418

H.1Jn Homilies on the First Epistle of John (Tractatus in epistolam Ioannis ad Parthos) 407 / 409

Harm.G. Harmony of the Gospels (De consensu evangelistarum) 400
L.John Lectures on the Gospel of John (In euangelium Ioannis tractatus) 406-430
M.Concup. On Marriage and Concupiscence (De nuptiis et concupiscentia) 419 / 420

Marr. On the Good of Marriage (De bono coniugale) 401
Monks On the Work of Monks (De opere monachorum) 400
Mor.C On the Morals of the Catholic Church (De moribus ecclesiae catholicae) 387 / 389
Mor.M On the Morals of the Manichaeans (De moribus Manichaeorum) 387 / 389
Nat. On Nature and Grace (De natura et gratia) 414 / 415
P.Pel. On the Proceedings of Pelagius (De gestis Pelagii) 417
Perf. On Man’s Perfection in Righteousness (De perfectione iustitiae) 415 / 416
Persev. On the Gift of Perseverance (De dono perseverantiae) 428 / 429
Pred. On the Predestination of the Saints (De praedestinatione sanctorum) 428 / 429
Reb.Gr. On Rebuke and Grace (De correptione et gratia) 426 / 427
S.Mount On the Sermon on the Mount (De sermone Domini in monte)393 / 394
Serm. Sermons on the New Testament 393-430
Sin.I.Bapt. On Merit and the Forgiveness of Sins and on Infant Baptism (De peccatorum meritis et remissione et de baptismo parvulorum) 412
Sol. The Soliloquies (Soliloquiorum) 386-387
Soul.c.M Of Two Souls, Against the Manichees (De duabus animabus contra Manichaeos) 392 / 393
Sp.L On the Spirit and the Letter (De spiritu et littera)  412
Trin. On the Trinity (De trinitate) 399-419
Virg. On Holy Virginity (De sancta virginate) 401

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Last updated on 25 September  2020

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