Anti-Catholic cartoon depicting the Church and the Pope as a malevolent octopus. From Jeremiah J. Crowley, The Pope: Chief of White Slavers High Priest of Intrigue () [public domain / Wikimedia Commons]
Use of the Term “Anti-Catholic” in Protestant and Secular Scholarly Works of History and Sociology (vs. “Romans 45”) [10-7-02; revised 5-17-03]
Ironies of Anti-Catholic Reformed / The Loaded Term “Papalism” (Revised) [11-19-04]
On the Objectionable Use of the Terms “Romanist” and “Papist” [11-20-04]
I Love the Word “Popish”: Steve Hays and Bigoted Anti-Catholic Titles [6-10-05]
More Examples of Eric Svendsen’s Hypocritical Double Standards for “Anti” Language [6-27-05]
Does the Term “Anti-Catholic” Have a Proper Theological Application (as Opposed to Social)? (+ Part II) (vs. Frank Turk) [9-22-05]
James White Outdoes All With His “Anti” Language [10-10-05]
Reiterating the Meaning of “Anti-Catholic” With an Anti-Catholic and Getting Nowhere, As Usual (vs. Peter Pike) [9-21-06]
James White: Anti-Intellectual? (Double Standards in “Anti” Language Yet Again!) [7-12-07]
James White’s Continued Idiotic Opposition to Catholic Use of the Term Anti-Catholic [8-3-07]
Our Friend “Carrie” and the Difference Between a “Protestant” and an “Anti-Catholic (Protestant)” [5-7-08]
The Legitimacy of the Term “Anti-Catholic” as a Noun as Well as an Adjective [8-4-08]
Dialogue on the Definition of “Anti-Catholicism” and Knowing Jesus Personally (with Reformed Protestant “Pilgrimsarbour”) [7-10-09]
Defense of Scott and Kimberly Hahn’s Use of “Anti-Catholic” in Their Testimony Book, Rome Sweet Home [7-10-09]
Meta Description: Those who deny that Catholics are Christians always (oddly) detest being described as “anti-Catholics.” Includes scholarly support.
Meta Keywords: Anti-Catholic, Anti-Catholicism, Anti-Catholics, antichrist, Catholic Church, Catholicism, damned, idolaters, pagans, papists, Pelagians, reprobate, Roman Catholic Church, Romanism, totally depraved, unregenerate, unsaved, whore of babylon, Romanists, anti-evangelical, anti-Calvinist, anti-Protestant