[see Round-Up #1 for 15 “pro-Francis” and 15 “pro-Vigano” articles (August 25-29, 2018) ]
In the spirit of “hearing all sides, so as to best ascertain the truth,” I shall now offer readers another chance to do just that, by listing / linking and categorizing important and informative [mostly] Catholic articles on this entire debacle (17 “fer” Pope Francis, 17 “agin” [August 27-31, 2018] ):
Twitter account of Cindy Wooden, Rome Bureau Chief of Catholic News Service (no date)
The charge against Viganò must now be investigated (Mark Silk, Religion News Service, 8-28-18)
McCarrick kept a robust public presence during years he was allegedly sanctioned (Michael J. O’Loughlin, America, 8-29-18)
Critique of Abp. Vigano’s Expanation of His Role in the Nienstadt Affair (Dawn Eden Goldstein, Twitter / Dropbox.com, 8-29-18)
Is there truth in Archbishop Vigano’s text and how are Catholics to know? (Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service, 8-29-18)
“I Will Not Say a Single Word on This” (Isaac Chotiner; interview with John L. Allen Jr., Slate, 8-29-18)
Aftershocks of cover-up accusation against Pope felt in Rome (John L. Allen Jr., Crux, 8-30-18)
The dossier against the Pope and the crisis of the American Church (Andrea Tornielli, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 8-30-18)
Viganò to the sanctioned McCarrick: “very much loved from us all…” (Andrea Tornielli, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 8-30-18)
Former Vatican ambassador’s explosive letter reveals influence of conservative Catholic media network (Michelle Boorstein, The Washington Post, 8-30-18)
Conservative media move to front line of battle to undermine Pope Francis (Philip Pullella, Reuters, 8-30-18)
A time to keep silence (Austen Ivereigh, Thinking Faith, 8-30-18)
Latest on pope cover-up saga: Support for Francis, Benedict XVI, and a Synod (John L. Allen Jr., Crux, 8-31-18)
Plucking certainties from confusion on Pope cover-up tempest (John L. Allen Jr., Crux, 8-31-18)
Timeline of McCarrick’s rise to power and subsequent fall (Elise Harris, Crux, 8-31-18)
Questions still surround papal accuser’s role in Neinstedt probe (Christopher White, Crux, 8-31-18)
Americans divided, but bishops elsewhere back Pope on cover-up charge (Inés San Martín, Crux, 8-31-18)
Viganò letter: spokesman confirms Cardinal Wuerl cancelled meeting between McCarrick and potential seminarians (Christopher Altieri, Catholic Herald, 8-27-18)
7 Reasons Why I Believe Archbishop Vigano’s Accusations To Be Credible [Updated] (Thomas Peters, CatholicVote, 8-27-18)
Francis: Soft On Clerical Sex Criminals (Rod Dreher, The American Conservative, 8-29-18)
Liz Bruenig’s Search For Truth (Rod Dreher, The American Conservative, 8-29-18)
Scandal Dogs, Barking And Not (Rod Dreher, The American Conservative, 8-30-18)
Why Didn’t Uncle Ted Come To Dinner? (Rod Dreher, The American Conservative, 8-30-18)
Sex, Money, Clericalism & The Papal Foundation (Rod Dreher, The American Conservative, 8-30-18)
US bishops continue to respond to Viganò testimony (Catholic News Agency, 8-30-18)
Seminarians were McCarrick aides amid abuse investigation (Ed Condon, Catholic News Agency, 8-30-18)
Vatican Source: Pope Dismissed Vatican Prefect After Clash Over Multiple Sexual Abuse Cases (Debra Heine, PJ Media, 8-30-18)
Thousands of Catholic Women Sign Letter Pleading with Pope to Break Silence on Sex Scandal (Megan Fox, PJ Media, 8-30-18)
Pope Francis’s Best Friends (Rod Dreher, The American Conservative, 8-31-18)
The Hypocrisy Of Pope Francis’s Silence (Rod Dreher, The American Conservative, 8-31-18)
Francis the Backslider. He Didn’t Just Cover Up For McCarrick (Sandro Magister, L’Espresso, 8-31-18)
The Hard Questions Remain, but Who Will Ask Them? (Matthew E. Bunson, National Catholic Register, 8-31-18)
Vigano’s Testimony; McCarrick’s Defiance (Fr. Raymond J. de Souza, National Catholic Register, 8-31-18)
‘We Deserve Answers Now’: Catholic Women Pen Letter to Pope (National Catholic Register, 8-31-18)
Photo credit: darksouls1 (11-21-16) [Pixabay / CC0 Creative Commons license]