Who will the Trump-obsessed Democrats hate now? I agree with Rush Limbaugh: I think they will switch to hating all conservatives (Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables”). In fact they have already begun. We’re their desperately needed object of hatred: one big ugly mass of despised wicked “Trump voters” now twisted into the ridiculous caricature that they have made of President Trump for four years: a bunch of racists, sexists, anti-Mexican bigots and homophobes; anti-science troglodytes, etc.
Keep it up, liberals. Keep lying about us, to replace your 24/7, five-year obsession with the Orange Beast and Demon from Hell (if you only still believed in the latter: maybe only for Trump, huh?). We still have the power to vote, and vote we will in November 2022, and it’s gonna be a massacre for the ages against your idiotic, immoral, clueless and radically secularist party.
Then two more years and who knows? Trump may be back in office. What will you fools do then? Have a mass cry-in and crap-in, riot in 47 liberal-run cities, and then start a new country somewhere where you can enjoy your blessed one-party fascist rule, unopposed?
Having to endure these Democrat politician-clowns is a perpetual insult to the intelligence of anyone who has an IQ higher than that of a pencil eraser. How infinitely far we are from JFK and RFK, or even hapless Jimmy Carter. It’s only ever gonna change through people waking up and voting them out on their ears.
[No doubt some liberal will say I’m guilty of “hatred” in the above. It’s not true. I don’t hate anyone. I hate what leftist ideology does to people. I hate the lies and false ideas and obnoxious propaganda. I’m sick and tired of being hated for no cause, myself, and of seeing the never-ending hatefest directed towards Donald Trump. And so I expressed it in a passionate jeremiad like this. I don’t write about this crap every day, precisely because I’m not obsessed. I’m simply reacting to Trump’s (inevitable) acquittal after the kangaroo court in the Senate: which I totally ignored till now.]
Conservatives are particularly disgusted by the nonsense that passes for discussion these days. We see right through it. We long for a society where we can talk to each other again, and not be subjected to a continual slander and a denial of good faith to each other (always suspicion and cynicism) just because of honestly held differences.
Both political parties and their mass of widely varying adherents (indeed any large group of people allied for a cause) have their fringe extremists and kooks. We saw the Democrat kooks all summer long. Cities were burnt, calls were made for defunding the cops, Black Lives Matter attempted to hoodwink the public into thinking they are merely Martin Luther King redux, when in fact they are a radical Marxist front group that wants to do things like abolish the family (most of the protesters at many of their rallies were in fact rich suburban white kids, radicalized by college). People like Kamala Harris called for bailing out violent rioters. All of that was winked at (and still is to this day). It was part of the “Revolution” you see . . .
Then we saw the Republican kooks and fringe extremists at the Capitol Riots. I have condemned extremists on both sides all along, including these nutcases. The difference is that no one in the Republican Party condones what these morons did on January 6th. whereas the Democrats en masse hardly condemn at all the leftist riots that took place all summer. Someone wants to question that? Okay: show me the quotes where they ever did so (someone above the rank of county dog catcher).
I don’t know any Republican of any note anywhere who condones what was done to George Floyd. Zero. Everyone condemned it. I am among them. I’m all for police reform. But I’m totally against Marxist-inspired hatred of police as a group. Every group is diverse. There are good and bad to be found in any group (bar none).
Now the Democrats want to censor conservative and pro-life thought on the Internet. I’ve been subjected to it myself. It’s not enough to gain political power. They have to shut everyone else up (and down). And they want to shoehorn all conservatives and Republicans into a twisted caricature of a bunch of violent racist, sexist homophobe mob of insurrectionists. With the Orange Beast now acquitted and out of the picture for a while, the Democrat politicians (not all Democrats) have to find a new object of hatred to satisfy their obsessive hate-lust, and they are starting to direct it towards all conservatives now.
I think it won’t be long for the American public to realize that one party mostly lies about the other and offers very few solutions to problems, while the other party actually tried to solve problems and offer the poor and disadvantaged a way to improve their lives and to enjoy the American Dream like most of us already are doing.
Sure, President Trump could and should have made a stronger statement as soon as the Capitol riots started, but of course that’s not an impeachable offense. The entire trial was a farce and a joke. There was no evidence of a crime, just as there was none in the first impeachment. And of course it was unconstitutional, which is why Chief Justice Roberts refused to preside over it. He knew it was a joke.
It’s just making Trump pay because he opposed them and revealed the folly of liberal failed policies, like no one (not even Reagan) ever has. For that alone he had hell to pay, whatever his faults actually are (and he does have them, as all also admit).
Many non-politician Democrats join conservatives in being concerned about how can people best get along; how can we solve problems? They oppose the polarization: fed by the politically motivated continual lies and slanders. But it’s been clear for some time that the Democrat politicians don’t care at all about that. They simply want power and want to control. All can see how they are acting now. Jobs are being lost by the thousands as I write this.
Trump actually helped people: especially minorities. The liberals say he is a racist? Well, it’s a very odd supposed “racist” who brought black unemployment and Hispanic unemployment and women’s unemployment to their lowest levels of all time. Trump encouraged black enterprise zones, which greatly helped black-owned businesses. He helped the historic black colleges. He did prison reform, which helped African-Americans who are disproportionately convicted: letting many out of jail who committed lesser crimes (like relatively minor drug offenses) and seemed to have reformed. This is why he got more of the black vote than anyone since 1960 and why even several rappers started to support him. He also received one-third of the Hispanic vote.
Trump actually helped people! What a novelty! He helped the “little guy”. He brought back manufacturing jobs. There are a million other things he accomplished. And that’s what politics should be about. Both parties ought to be able to work together to accomplish big things: stuff we can all agree on: or at least a good majority. That has hardly ever happened since the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts in 1964 and 1965: which had proportionately more Republican than Democrat votes in favor.
Photo credit: Donald Trump – Caricature / DonkeyHotey. This caricature of Donald Trump (7-8-17) was adapted from a photo by Gage Skidmore’s Flickr photostream and a photo in the public domain from The White House. [Wikimedia Commons / Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license]