Books by Dave Armstrong: “God of Love, Fire & Light”

Books by Dave Armstrong: “God of Love, Fire & Light” November 24, 2024

Co-Author: Kenny Burchard

Subtitle: A Biblical Defense of Purgatory

[120 pages; published by Bridge Builders Press on 21 November 2024]

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Back cover:

Table of Contents

Introduction (pp. v-x) [read below]

1) God of Love, Fire, and Light (p. 1) [can be read online at the Amazon page: click “Read Sample” under the book cover image]

2) Not a Post-Mortem Second Chance (p. 6)

3) Not an Eternal Payment for Sins (p. 12)

4) Not a Place: We’re Not Purified Someplace Separate from God’s Presence (p. 19)

5) A Process: Purification Before the Beatific Vision (p. 24)

6) A Person: Jesus, In Whom We See the Face of God (p. 30)

7) Penance and the Journey Toward Holiness (p. 36)

8) Preparation for Heaven: God’s Transformative Love (p. 40)

9) “Forensic Justification”: The Big Reason Your Protestant Friend May Never Accept Purgatory (p. 43)

10) A Biblical Theology of Salvation and Purgation (p. 51)

11) The 25 Most Common Objections to Purgatory: Biblical and Bridge-Building Responses (p. 58)

12) A “Coffee Talk” About Purgatory (p. 67)

13)  A “Youth Group Talk” About Purgatory: “Heaven Fire” (p. 75)

14) Catholic Bible Highlights: Marking Up Your Bridge-Builder’s Bible (p. 84)

Appendix I: The Catechism’s Teaching on Purgatory (p. 91)

Appendix II: 110 Biblical Texts Supporting Purgatory (p. 95)

About the Authors (p. 115) [read below]

About Bridge Builders International (p. 119)


Welcome to God of Love, Fire, and Light: A Biblical Defense of Purgatory by Dave Armstrong and Kenny Burchard. As two Catholic converts, we understand that the concept of purgatory often raises more questions than answers, especially among our Protestant brothers and sisters. Like you, we’ve wrestled with these ideas, examined the Bible thoroughly, and ultimately found that the doctrine of purgatory, properly understood, is beautifully biblical, deeply relational, and full of hope.

Purgatory is one of the most misunderstood teachings of the Catholic Church, and it has long been a source of contention for non-Catholics, former Catholics, and even some Catholics themselves. For many, purgatory evokes an image of punitive suffering or a spiritual waiting room where one must “pay off” sins. Like many converts, we once shared these misunderstandings, finding ourselves perplexed and resistant to the doctrine. Yet, as we delved into the teachings of the Church, explored the Catechism, and encountered Scripture’s profound insights, we discovered a vision of purgatory that is deeply hopeful, transformative, and rooted in God’s love.

Central to this hope-filled understanding was Pope Benedict XVI’s 2007 encyclical Spe Salvi, a work that profoundly clarifies the Biblical concept of purgatory. In this encyclical, Pope Benedict illuminates purgatory not as a place of fear, but as a healing encounter with Christ. He presents it as a “blessed hope,” where God’s love purifies and prepares us for the fullness of heaven. Pope Benedict’s teaching invites us to see purgatory as an experience of Christ’s mercy, a doctrine of love rather than retribution.

This book, God of Love, Fire, and Light, is our way of sharing how we came to love and appreciate this doctrine. What follows is a bridge-building conversation that draws from Scripture, the Catechism, and the insights from Spe Salvi. Through these perspectives, we aim to dispel myths and build understanding, offering readers a fresh vision of purgatory as a true gift of God’s mercy.


One of the greatest insights Pope Benedict provides is the understanding that purgatory is not a place of punitive flames, but rather an encounter with the refining love of Christ. He writes, “The fire which both burns and saves is Christ himself, the Judge and Saviour. The encounter with him is the decisive act of judgment” (Spe Salvi, 45). Here, purgatory becomes less about repayment and more about transformation. In this final purification, Christ’s love removes anything within us that hinders our full communion with God, allowing us to stand in His presence.

This vision of purgatory resonates deeply with us. Instead of seeing it as a place of suffering, we came to view it as a continuation of God’s saving work. Through purgatory, He prepares us to stand before Him, fully sanctified and radiant with His grace. This teaching reshapes our understanding from a transactional “payment” to a hopeful process, where Christ, who loves us completely, perfects us to share in His glory.


Many who struggle with purgatory view it as somehow diminishing Christ’s sacrifice or as a form of “second chance” salvation. But Pope Benedict clarifies that purgatory is not about earning heaven; rather, it is about being made ready for it. As he explains, “It is not a question of prolonging earthly life, as if that were desirable in itself. Rather, it is a question of healing” (Spe Salvi, 47). This healing is an expression of God’s mercy, bringing us to the place where we can fully experience His love without the barriers of sin or selfishness. This understanding can be freeing for those who may have felt that purgatory contradicts God’s mercy. Instead, we found that purgatory is a continuation of Christ’s work in us, helping us shed everything that might keep us from embracing His love entirely. For anyone who has walked away from the Church over this doctrine, Pope Benedict’s perspective offers a bridge of understanding, one that reveals purgatory as an extension of Christ’s sacrifice, not a detraction from it.


One of the most beautiful aspects of Pope Benedict’s teaching is his description of purgatory as an encounter with Jesus, transforming us deeply. He writes, “Before his gaze, all falsehood melts away. This encounter with him, as it burns us, transforms and frees us, allowing us to become truly ourselves” (Spe Salvi, 47). In this vision, purgatory becomes a moment when we come face-to-face with Christ, and anything that stands between us and Him is purified in the light of His love. As former evangelicals, this teaching deeply resonates with us. One of the most beloved worship choruses in our non-Catholic churches was “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.” Its lyrics say:

Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus

Look Full In His Wonderful Face

And the Things of Earth

Will Grow Strangely Dim

In The Light of His Glory and Grace

This chorus captures the essence of what Pope Benedict is conveying about purgatory’s nature. From a Catholic perspective, purgatory is the time when we participate most fully in this gaze into the transforming eyes of Jesus, allowing His “glory and grace” to purify us completely. Far from being a place of solitary suffering, purgatory becomes an intimate encounter with Christ, who draws us ever nearer to Himself, perfecting us in love.


We hope this book will serve as a bridge of understanding for anyone who has struggled with the idea of purgatory. Pope Benedict’s Spe Salvi helps us see purgatory as a promise of God’s mercy, a time when we can let go of anything that keeps us from Him. As Benedict writes, “In the moment of judgment, our defilement and darkness will be eliminated” (Spe Salvi, 47). Purgatory, then, is not a doctrine of dread but a joyful promise that God’s love is unwavering, purifying us and making us ready to stand before Him.

God of Love, Fire, and Light draws deeply from Pope Benedict’s compassionate vision, the wisdom of the Catechism, and Scripture’s portrayal of God’s transforming love. For those within the Church, those who have left, and those who are curious or confused, this book offers a way to see purgatory as a doctrine of hope—a reminder that God’s love will meet us beyond death and purify us for eternal communion with Him.


In this book, we’re inviting you on a journey through Scripture and Tradition—a journey that illuminates the transformative power of God’s love, a love so profound that it purges and perfects us until we are fit for His eternal presence. We’ll explore what this teaching truly represents, free from misunderstandings or caricatures, while honoring the Biblical call to holiness and transformation that resonates across the Old and New Testaments.

Think of this book as a guide for walking through the doctrine of Purgatory with a Bible in hand. It’s not about theological debates or winning arguments; it’s about under‐ standing a profound mystery of the faith, with open hearts and open Bibles.

Here’s what you’ll find in the pages ahead:

1. Biblical Foundation: We’ll trace how God has worked through history to bring about a people transformed by His holiness—a journey that’s as much about purification in this life as it is in the next.

2. The Five Ps of Purgatory: We’ll break down five key elements that help clarify what Purgatory is (and what it isn’t), distinguishing it from common misconceptions.

3. Tackling Common Objections: Each chapter will also respond to common Protestant concerns, addressing misunderstandings in a way that bridges divides rather than widening them.

4. Engaging Conversations: You’ll find dialogues between friends exploring these themes and coming to deeper insights through meaningful discussion.

Our hope is that by the end of this study, you’ll feel equipped to talk about Purgatory with clarity, rooted in Scripture and faithful to the Catholic understanding. So grab your Bible, pen, and highlighter – open your heart, and let’s dive in together.

Dave Armstrong & Kenny Burchard

About the Authors


Dave Armstrong is a prominent Catholic apologist, author, and researcher known for his deep commitment to explaining and defending the biblical basis for Catholic beliefs and also for in-depth historical / patristic analysis. Raised Methodist, Dave underwent a transformative journey to evangelical Christianity in 1977 before finding his spiritual home in the Catholic Church in 1990, a decision influenced by his love for history and Scripture. He has written or edited 55 books, including over twenty “officially published” ones and four bestsellers in the field.

Dave’s apologetics blog Biblical Evidence for Catholicism has received millions of page views since it began in 1997, providing extensive resources for Catholics and seekers alike (over 5,000 free articles and web pages). It was rated in July 2024 as the #1 Christian blog in the world by the evangelical writer, Adrian Warnock. He also serves as the chief researcher for the Catholic Bible Highlights series on YouTube, where he appears on the popular segment “Fridays With Dave” alongside Kenny Burchard.

Together, they help viewers—Catholic and non-Catholic —discover the scriptural foundations of Catholic doctrine in an accessible, conversational style. Dave has a reputation as a logical and systematic writer, but also offers a gentler, personal approach in interviews and video segments. Through his prolific writing and approachable explanations, Dave Armstrong continues to inspire and guide others on their own journeys toward understanding and embracing the richness of Catholic faith.


Kenny Burchard’s spiritual journey has been one of profound transformation, beginning as a devoted Protestant Christian, and evolving through over twenty years in full-time pastoral ministry. He served in three different churches, including twelve years as the senior and founding pastor of a Foursquare Gospel Church in central California from 2001 to 2013. Kenny is a graduate of Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary (now Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary) in Fresno, CA, where he earned a Master’s Degree in New Testament Biblical Theology.

In April of 2019, during the Easter Vigil Mass, Kenny was received into full communion with the Catholic Church, along with his wife, MaryJo, and their son, Victor. This journey, marked by years of study, prayer, and a sincere search for truth, now fuels his commitment to helping Catholics engage with non-Catholic Christians, using the Bible as a bridge for mutual understanding and unity.

At the time of writing, Kenny serves as the Director of Development for The Coming Home Network, International —a Catholic apostolate dedicated to supporting non-Catholic clergy and laity in their journeys to the Catholic Church. He is also the President and Founder of Bridge Builders International, a Catholic apostolate committed to building bridges and healing divisions through Bible studies that present the Biblical foundations of Catholic teaching in a way accessible to non-Catholics. Additionally, Kenny is the host of the popular YouTube channel Catholic Bible Highlights, where he unpacks the beauty and depth of Scripture from a Catholic perspective.


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Last revised on 3 December 2024

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