December 4, 2024

Acts 26:18; Romans 2:6-10, 13; 6:22; 8:13, 17; 10:16; Hebrews 11:8-9 On 10-8-24, I published my article, Bible vs. “Faith Alone”: 100 Proofs (100 Bible Passages On Catholic Justification, Sanctification, and Faith + Works [from 22 out of 27 NT Books]: All Disproving Protestant “Faith Alone” Soteriology). Later, I got the idea of inquiring as to how John Calvin (1509-1564), one of the two the most influential founders of Protestantism, along with Martin Luther, would react to these passages in his Commentaries (and... Read more

December 3, 2024

This exchange took place in the combox of the video, “Did Martin Luther Remove Books from the Bible? With James Swan” (Weidner Institute, 10-24-24). The words of my dialogue opponent (“frennynikki2447“) will be in blue. ***** I’ve noticed this among Romanists since my early teenage years. . . .  Are you a Genevist or a Wittenberger or Henry VIIIist? Hello there, I haven’t heard those designations before though I can get their gists by “Genevist” you mean “Calvinist”, “Wittenberger” a... Read more

December 2, 2024

[all passages RSV] For overviews of the subject, see: Biblical Evidence for an Eternal Hell [1998] Jewish and Old Testament Views of Hell and Eternal Punishment [4-14-04] Biblical Annihilationism or Universalism? (w Atheist Ted Drange) [9-30-06] Universalism is Annihilated by the Book of Revelation [National Catholic Register, 6-23-19] Salvation and Eternal Afterlife in the Old Testament [8-31-19] The Bible Teaches that Hell is Eternal [National Catholic Register, 4-16-20] Defense of Immortal, Conscious Souls (vs. Lucas Banzoli): #11 (“Second Death” = “Lake of Fire” = Eternal Torment... Read more

December 2, 2024

Our main guide for this survey of the harmfulness of seed oils is the fact-filled article, “What Are Seed Oils And Should You Avoid Them?” (Emily Ziedman, MS, Zero Acre, 5-8-22). She massively backs up her contentions with references from conventional, reputable scientific / medical journals. In other words, this is not just unsupported rantings from someone who has an “alternative / holistic” view, which many — often with a marked irrationality and/or unfounded bias, in my experience — regard... Read more

November 26, 2024

[all biblical citations from RSV] [initial research from 1982 (using KJV); slightly revised in 1997; revised and reformatted for RSV edition in 2012; separated from the larger article, Jesus is God: Hundreds of Biblical Proofs (RSV edition) on 26 November 2024] ***** Every time the New Testament refers to Jesus as Christ, it is declaring that He is the Messiah, since Christ is the Greek for the Hebrew Messiah. The latter word appears twice in the New Testament in the... Read more

November 24, 2024

Co-Author: Kenny Burchard Subtitle: A Biblical Defense of Purgatory [120 pages; published by Bridge Builders Press on 21 November 2024] —– To purchase, go to the bottom of the page —– Back cover: Table of Contents Introduction (pp. v-x) [read below] 1) God of Love, Fire, and Light (p. 1) [can be read online at the Amazon page: click “Read Sample” under the book cover image] 2) Not a Post-Mortem Second Chance (p. 6) 3) Not an Eternal Payment for Sins... Read more

November 22, 2024

My title is a reaction to a thread at the virulently anti-Catholic CARM forum, in the Lutheranism section, called, “Bloody Marty” [referring to Martin Luther], dated 4-14-24). I’ve been dealing with the ultra-biased treatments of Martin Luther by Reformed Protestant anti-Catholic polemicist James Swan for over twenty years. See his lengthy section on my Anti-Catholicism web page.  Swan’s words from this discussion will be in blue; his Lutheran sidekick BJ Bear’s in green; Martin Luther’s in purple; and his best... Read more

November 21, 2024

33 NT Passages Against Limited Atonement and in Favor of Universal Atonement “Turretinfan” is a prolific Calvinist apologist. He wrote an article, “The Intent of the Cross” (6-6-24), which was intended to be a biblical  argument for the limited atonement (Christ died only for the elect, not all men). Here it is in its entirety (he appears to be citing KJV). I have bolded the Bible verses and have added blue color to the subtitles: For whom was Christ’s work... Read more

November 21, 2024

Five Biblical Examples Provided CARM is a huge online forum that is dominated by the extreme anti-Catholic form of Protestantism. In its “Roman Catholicism” sub-forum, the discussion topic and thread, “Why not just go straight to Jesus in prayer?” began on 25 October 2024. In it, a number of false claims about what the Bible teaches or supposedly never teaches are made. I will prove that the statements are false at the end by producing five scriptural examples that many... Read more

November 19, 2024

Matthew 19:29; 25:34-46; Mark 16:16; Luke 6:35; Acts 10:34-35 On 10-8-24, I published my article, Bible vs. “Faith Alone”: 100 Proofs (100 Bible Passages On Catholic Justification, Sanctification, and Faith + Works [from 22 out of 27 NT Books]: All Disproving Protestant “Faith Alone” Soteriology). Later, I got the idea of inquiring as to how John Calvin (1509-1564), one of the two the most influential founders of Protestantism, along with Martin Luther, would react to these passages in his Commentaries (and then offering... Read more

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