November 21, 2024

33 NT Passages Against Limited Atonement and in Favor of Universal Atonement “Turretinfan” is a prolific Calvinist apologist. He wrote an article, “The Intent of the Cross” (6-6-24), which was intended to be a biblical  argument for the limited atonement (Christ died only for the elect, not all men). Here it is in its entirety (he appears to be citing KJV). I have bolded the Bible verses and have added blue color to the subtitles: For whom was Christ’s work... Read more

November 21, 2024

Five Biblical Examples Provided CARM is a huge online forum that is dominated by the extreme anti-Catholic form of Protestantism. In its “Roman Catholicism” sub-forum, the discussion topic and thread, “Why not just go straight to Jesus in prayer?” began on 25 October 2024. In it, a number of false claims about what the Bible teaches or supposedly never teaches are made. I will prove that the statements are false at the end by producing five scriptural examples that many... Read more

November 19, 2024

Matthew 19:29; 25:34-46; Mark 16:16; Luke 6:35; Acts 10:34-35 On 10-8-24, I published my article, Bible vs. “Faith Alone”: 100 Proofs (100 Bible Passages On Catholic Justification, Sanctification, and Faith + Works [from 22 out of 27 NT Books]: All Disproving Protestant “Faith Alone” Soteriology). Later, I got the idea of inquiring as to how John Calvin (1509-1564), one of the two the most influential founders of Protestantism, along with Martin Luther, would react to these passages in his Commentaries (and then offering... Read more

November 16, 2024

[from RSV] Matthew 5:20 For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 7:18, 20-21 A sound tree cannot bear evil fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. . . . [20] Thus you will know them by their fruits. [21] Not every one who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father... Read more

November 15, 2024

  Bible Proofs for Catholic Truths [over 2,000 biblical passages] [book, August 2009] Catholic Salvation: 1871 Bible Passages [12-27-24] Revelation! 1001 Bible Answers to Theological Topics [book: October 2013] 601+ Bible Passages Disprove Sola Scriptura (Featuring an Emphasis on the Scriptural Data Regarding the Strong Influence of Jewish Tradition in Early Christianity) [1-6-25] Bible on the Nature of Saving Faith (Including Assent, Trust, Hope, Works, Obedience, and Sanctification) [380 passages] [1-21-10] Jesus is God: Hundreds of Biblical Proofs (300 Biblical Proofs... Read more

November 14, 2024

+ Catalogue of Sixty Traits That Apostates Formerly Possessed When They Were in God’s Good Graces [all passages from RSV. Many “thanks” to the good old reference work, Nave’s Topical Bible (1897). Nave (1841-1917) was a Methodist, so he agreed — as an Arminian / Wesleyan — that one could fall away from faith; hence, he didn’t overlook that teaching in his Bible references] ***** Leviticus 26:15 . . . you spurn my statutes, . . . you will not... Read more

November 13, 2024

vs. James Swan Anti-Catholic reformed polemicist James Swan holds the usual erroneous Protestant view about St. Augustine: that he supposedly believed in sola Scriptura: the view that only Scripture is infallible, and denial of the infallibility of sacred apostolic tradition and the Church and ecumenical councils. He expressed this in his article, Did Martin Luther Miscite Saint Augustine? (Boors All, 11-12-24), and issued the following challenge: Rome’s defenders, past and present, . . .  are assuming Augustine’s infallible authority structure... Read more

November 12, 2024

Guest Post by Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Professor of Dogmatic Theology  Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Bishop Kevin M. Britt Chair of Dogmatic Theology and Christology, has been at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit since 1999. Dr. Fastiggi received an A.B. in Religion (summa cum laude) from Dartmouth College in 1974; a M.A. in Theology from Fordham University in 1976; and a Ph.D. in Historical Theology from Fordham in 1987. During his time at Sacred Heart, Dr. Fastiggi has taught courses in... Read more

November 11, 2024

Featuring Liturgy and the Sacrifice of the Mass in the Church Fathers I am replying to the first portion of the video, Why you should be Lutheran INSTEAD of Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox (w/ Pr. Will Weedon) [8-9-24], on the YouTube channel of Javier Perdomo: who recently converted to Lutheranism from another form of Protestantism. William Weedon has served as a parish pastor for 26 years and served as Director of Worship and Chaplain for the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod... Read more

November 10, 2024

Including Clement of Rome (d. c. 101), Ignatius of Antioch (50-c. 110), and the Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus (bet. 130-190) This is a reply to the video, Trent Horn is WRONG about Sola Fide! [Responsio #5] (11-26-23), posted at the Scholastic Lutherans YouTube channel. Words of the three participants will be in blue. ***** 37:26 what’s going on in a lot of these fathers [is] that most of the times when the fathers are talking about . . .... Read more

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