It's time we had a family talk because things in this world keep getting crazier. Toxic politics, racism, misogyny, greed, and selfishness are eroding us as a culture. These are a symptom of a greater problem. So, this talk is well overdue. I know that no one really wants to have one, but it is time. Faith as being exercised or imagined as a political party is no faith at all. American Christianity has lost its way. Politics and preference have become the new compass. Is it even about Jesus anymore? Or is it more about winning. I'm just sick of the whole spectacle and I know I'm not alone. So, enough with the conspiracy theories, excuses or theological gymnastics. We need to stop and take a hard look at ourselves. Frankly, it's not Trump. He's certainly a problem, but he's not the problem. He's not the president we wanted, but maybe he's the one we deserve, America. Sound harsh? I know it is, but these are those moments when we need to have a sobering look in the mirror and an honest talk. I've gone from being sick and tried to just being tired of all this. It seems like we've lost common decency and are moving down the road towards losing our humanity. This rot is rotting us. So join us this week, as we have a family talk. It's necessary. Change begins with us. It begins with how we think, respond, love and how we chose to react or not react to the problems we face. This won't be easy, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. We can be better. We must be better. And at the end of the day, Jesus calls us to be better. Anyone with me? Come along for the ride as we skewer through life, culture, and spirituality in the face of a changing world.