?And all shall be well. And all shall be well. And all manner of things shall be exceeding well.? ? Julian of Norwich We live in a time where it seems all we have is bad news and fake news. When denial reigns, it's hard to know what to believe and what's real anymore. Too often are we swayed one way or the other by manipulative forces that obscure what is happening. We easily believe half-truths or quick answers in the pursuit of ways to ignore the problems at hand. Religion even makes it worse when it blames the cause of physical problems onto mystical or spiritual ones. We deny reality and try to avoid problems because we don't like the solutions. For all to be well, all of the faithful must be vigilant and ready to serve and help as needed. Politics and religion create distractions that obscure the simple solutions. It's easier to deny a pandemic if you are too emotionally fragile to handle it. If you deny reality, then you can fight silly, little insignificant issues like wearing masks. If you think your faith suffers because you can't sing in a church, your god is impotent and small. This pandemic isn't about people's preferences. It should be about humanity's finest moment of coming together to fix a simple, yet complex issue. Yet, stupidity dominates. But we don't have to like it. There's always hope to push back lazy and inert thinking. Action and vigilance push us forward and inspire movement. Let's deny denial. There are better days ahead if we continue to move towards progress. Keep on keeping on in this profoundly weird time in history. Peace. Come along for the ride as we skewer through life, culture, and spirituality in the face of a changing world. www.SnarkyFaith.com