For too long, Christians have allowed themselves to be duped by the resident charlatan of the week. Always looking for a messiah and never accepting personal responsibility. It's the sheep always seeking a shepherd mentality that continues to allow the faith to be lead astray. Whether it be Kanye West's new money grab called Sunday Services or fake health insurance like Medi-Share, Christians are always suckers waiting to be duped. Jesus didn't call us to be idiots always being tempted by the nectar of things that seem Christian-y. He called us to be faithful. Faith is about responsibility. It's about work. It's about doing the tough things that are required to help a hurting world. One of the reasons Christianity has gone astray is that congregants have let it go that way. Too many false prophets, too many schemes and too many wolves in pastors clothing. We must be awake. We must be aware to continue forward if we're willing to do what needs to be done. Otherwise, Christians will continue to be duped into following something that looks like faith but isn't. Come along for the ride as we skewer through life, culture, and spirituality in the face of a changing world