I have so many questions for the American Church. What are we doing? How did we get here? What's the point anymore? The most important of these questions is who are we? The church has forgotten its identity and it's forgotten why it exists. This can be seen easily by the things that Christianity has somehow gotten involved with like politics and commerce. Today, it's more of a business than the movement founded on love by Jesus. If Christianity no longer looks like Jesus, it's basically either a business or a lobbying firm. Christians have forgotten why they exist. It's not about being right or where go when you die. It's about how you live here and now. Jesus spoke about a new way to live that was laser-focused on the here and now and how we could make a difference in the lives of other people's 'here and now.' That's the hard work. Most the faith gets too heaven and hell obsessed because it's all abstract and not tangible. It pulls us away from real life and the fact that we all have a pulse. Our actions matter. The words of Jesus matter. Christianity should matter, but the church has forgotten its identity and needs to find it again. Come along for the ride as we skewer through life, culture, and spirituality in the face of a changing world. www.SnarkyFaith.com