By 2035, the US will no longer be a majority Christian nation. We're beginning to see, especially along generational divides, that the church is in the slow decline towards death. This isn't simply about the loss of platforms in culture or power in politics, it's people walking away from the faith altogether. So, if the death of the institutional church in America is imminent, what are we to do? Is it finally game over for Christianity? In America, we also find ourselves in a very interesting place in history as the rift between ideologies and polarization gap continues to widen. There are two Americas that don't fundamentally understand one another. To some, this can be a time of great frustration, fear, and uncertainty, but I think it's a glorious time of opportunity to make and dream something new. The ways and teachings of Jesus no longer have to be forced to fit into the mold of institutional Christendom. The faithful can begin to imagine new ways outside the church building. There's great hope to be found within a faith that no longer has walls to cage it in. While the American church slides towards 'game over,' Christianity must always remember that resurrection is at the heart of the faith. There are new things ahead if we embrace them. Come along for the ride as we skewer through life, culture, and spirituality in the face of a changing world.