Easter is now weeks passed. The annual pep rally for Jesus is now a fading memory. It's a sad state of the church when Christianity has become a spectator sport where the faithful are now just really consumers. With most churches in America investing countless hours and funds to put on a self-serving benefit concert in the name of Jesus, what are they actually left with? In the wake of Resurrection Sunday, let's delve into the ancient Christian practice of missing the point. With Easter, we miss the point and here's why I'm Easter pissed... Jesus resurrected means that we are called to bring about the Kingdom of God on Earth. It’s not a moment to look back on; it’s what pushes us forward. To simply look back and have a pep rally does nothing for what Jesus did and continues to do. We’re supposed to be God’s hands and feet in a hurting world. That means we’re supposed to oppose evil and fight for those who are hurting, oppressed, maligned and forgotten. The resurrection speaks to the fact that unjust and oppressive economic systems and policies are not part of God’s ethics. It also speaks to the fact that misguided and corrupt political systems and churches are also not part of God’s Kingdom. For me to believe in the resurrection means I’m supposed to be pissed at the state of the world and in turn go and try to fix it. Easter's not all about the afterlife, it's firmly rooted in the here and now. Come along for the ride as we skewer through life, culture, and spirituality in the face of a changing world. www.SnarkyFaith.com