"The first and basic act of theological work is prayer." - Karl Barth We've all met religious assholes. Some days it's hard to avoid them. You know who I'm talking about, don't you? The ones that act pious and flaunt their faith publicly as if they're scoring points with almighty. Or maybe they're the ones that constantly post pictures of inspiring landscapes with out-of-context scriptures, so you know they're more holy. They come in many shapes and forms, but those who play in piety cosplay are the worst. You've felt their disapproving looks or heard their backhanded compliments. Heck, you may end up sitting next to one on Thanksgiving. I can't stand those people. Jesus couldn't stand those people either. No, I'm not joking. Christ was downright snarky to them. This week, we continue our discussion about the ethics of the Kingdom of God found in the Sermon on the Mount. Taking up the teachings in Matthew 6, we see Jesus move on from issues of the heart towards issues of spiritual practice in public life. Namely, he's discussing giving to the poor, public prayer, and fasting. In a very pointed fashion, Christ calls out the religious tryhards and posers. The Kingdom of God has no room for their drama and bullshit. That's not how it rolls. The religious are often too consumed with far-off spirituality, fantasies of a hereafter that may not even be. For the Kingdom of God to be manifested in the future, something has to happen now. With an ever present immediacy, the Kingdom of God, as Christ puts it, is always concerned with the here and now. Issues of justice, equality, humility, and compassion are the hallmarks of this new way of being. Jesus was radical to the religious establishment of the time. His worlds still cut sharply today too. Let us be part of making a better tomorrow by starting to walk out grace and compassion today. ? ? We'll talk about all that and more snark! Plus, this week's Christian Crazy features: Greg Locke, Mario Murillo, Rick Wiles, Bishop Larry Gaiters and Mark Taylor. Show notes Episode Timestamp: In the News: 06:55 Christian Crazy: 16:20 Main Conversation: 26:50 Book referenced: Taking Jesus at His Word: What Jesus Really Said in the Sermon on the Mount ~ Addison Hodges Hart Big thanks to these outlets that make the Christian Crazy possible: Right Wing Watch Christian Nightmares Friendly Atheist Come along for the ride as we skewer through life, culture, and spirituality in the face of a changing world. www.SnarkyFaith.com