When Christianity Today's editor, Mark Galli, published his editorial about why Trump should be removed from office it sent shockwaves through the conservative community. While trying to seem even-handed in his assertions about Trump, the editor committed the unpardonable Evangelical sin, trash-talking the Orange Bloated Messiah. While some of the arguments rang true, it was still too careful and calculated. In a moment, it was almost like the grew a par, but they seemed to stop just short. Also, don't let the backlash against Christianity Today fool you. It's an exercise in missing the point too. To speak truth to power is a prophetic act, but Galli was speaking to the wrong persons of power. Trump's immorality and selfishness isn't the point. Trump's spent decades being a disgusting human being. The real issue should be about how Christianity lost its way and why they kowtowed so easily to the Grifter-in-Chief? Oh, Christianity, what have you become? It seems like Evangelical faith has become nothing more than a pro-life, pro-Israel and pro-religious liberty (for a select few) political organization. In its current form, the faith no longer lines up with the teaching of Jesus. Jesus prioritized the faith in simple, yet, comprehensive terms when he called his followers to, ‘love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind’ and to ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’ For a faith grounded in love, where is the love now? That's really what Christianity Today should have been calling out. Come along for the ride as we skewer through life, culture, and spirituality in the face of a changing world. www.SnarkyFaith.com