?And it was all that I needed...? ? The White Stripes - Take, Take, Take When is enough, enough? We live in a time where consumeristic impulses of culture look the same as the heartbeat of the institutional church. There's no difference in currency and values. We know what success looks like, and it doesn't look like Jesus, but that's okay. Forgetting Jesus hasn't stopped the church in the past. Looking at the parables of Jesus, we can see broad strokes paintings of the Kingdom of God. The values, ethics, mission, and thrust all point to a different way of being. They tell us that a selfless way is sustainable, and anything counter leads to death and inequality. Join us today as we talk through the ethics of the parables of Jesus and how they line up with the White Stripes. It's not what you'd expect and hopefully better than you deserve. ;) We'll delve into a different way to live where we seek things of worth, value, and meaning. It takes looking at life through a different lens. As long as you don't mind a little swearing, hop in and join us. It'll be something interesting, and hopefully hopeful. We'll see. Come along for the ride as we skewer through life, culture, and spirituality in the face of a changing world. www.SnarkyFaith.com