The sheer fact that Evangelicals have worked so hard to grab political power and shun culture is dripping with irony because to be Evangelical at its root means you must evangelize (i.e. make converts). To evangelize should mean that you can't shun culture. It also means that power isn't your ultimate aim. The madness they have made out of their pursuits has pushed culture away and made any witness or testimony utterly impotent. They've killed any hope of fulfilling their mission and established as a trademarked their own brand of "unvangelism." It's the anthesis of the mission of God and Evangelicals have forgotten how to evangelize. Furthermore, a true act of evangelism isn't about converting the masses. It's going into forgotten places and being a version of Jesus. It's offering people compassion, empathy, hope, and love. God's give of grace is freely given and comes from a place of humility, not one of coercion and power. So in the vacuum of evangelism, unvangelism reigns. It's a hollow message that takes and takes. It doesn't offer anything, besides guilt and oppression. If Evangelicals cared about the kingdom of God, they'd stop hating the world, look in the mirror and learn to hate what they've become. Come along for the ride as we skewer through life, culture, and spirituality in the face of a changing world.