When you stand back and look at American Christianity as it stands today, it's not hard to see the cracks. There are fundamental flaws that plague American Christianity. We'll journey through the week's news to see how Christianity is missing the point. Not only are they missing the point, they may not even be on the same page with Jesus anymore. Christendom is broken in America. Can we fix it? Of course, we can fix it. The bigger question is, do we want to fix it? Just because something is broken, it doesn't mean that the owners are willing to do the work to fix it. That's a problem. Who really owns Christianity anymore? Jesus? Oh, hell no. As the faith marches forward, it looks less and less like its founder and God. Again, I'll say it. This is a big problem. WTF church? This week, we look through the lens of faith and culture to point out some of the major cracks. We'll go through the Bill Hybels scandal, Greg Laurie, and the SoCal Harvest Festival. We'll even look into the pedo that founded the Christian "rock festival" Creationfest. A show about why Christian rock is not really rock will possibly happen in the future but not today. That's not the point. We'll talk through our issues with pastor worship and commercialization of the church in general. WTF church? The church is fundamentally broken. The problem is fixable, but those in power are unwilling to right the ship. The ship looks nothing like Jesus and neither do the Christian leaders navigating it, so why is the Church in America messed up? Well, for starters, it looks more like a business model and less like a movement. The church has learned over decades to care more about itself than about those in our communities that are hurting and in need of help, compassion, and grace. Seriously, WTF church?!? If Jesus left the church, would you leave as well? Come along for the ride as we skewer through life, culture, and spirituality in the face of a changing world. www.SnarkyFaith.com