Today, we rejoice as a dark period of America is over. The orange stain on history has been vanquished, and the world is all set right again. It's time to sing kumbaya and live in a utopia! I'm only kidding. Yes, Trump has lost, and we rejoice in that, but the real work remains. How do you clean up four years of mess? Well, first, we celebrate the moment. Then, we, we look towards the future and begin to write a new tomorrow. Lofty thoughts and ambitions fuels us for sure, but they all need to begin somewhere. So today, on the show, we'll recount the prophets that were dead wrong and misleading the sheep. We'll also look at where we should be headed and how to get there. It's a long path, and it begins today. Are you ready? Do you want to do what it takes to make a difference, even if it's small and doesn't include accolades? The proposition doesn't sound sexy, but it does sound a lot like the ways and teaching of Jesus. Let's start a new tomorrow today. Come along for the ride as we skewer through life, culture, and spirituality in the face of a changing world.