"We live lives of hope in the hint of the promise of what is to come... [and] we live lives of faith in the unforeseeable, in the coming of what we cannot see coming.? -? John Caputo ? ? Is our faith cyclical and repetitive, or does it change, grow, and spiral in new territory. Too often do we treat our faith as a rinse and repeat cycle instead of an evolving journey. Why do we default to the easy approach? I think it has a lot to do with certainty. Following Jesus was never about certainty, it was always about risk and the unknown. He makes that clear from the start. The way of Christ calls us to embrace mystery without the promise of results. It calls us to live for others as we cast aside our own needs and ambition. The posture of humility and servitude are the hallmarks of the Kingdom of God. When Jesus talks about his followers being the salt and light of the world, it was never about being special or chosen. It was about serving, helping, and loving others. Look at how churches are set up and exist. They are built much like circles. They repeat on a cycle. You just need to show up every week to a building, listen to a sermon, sing a song, and give some money. That is modern-day Christianity - distilled into easy-to-swallow bites. Followers of Jesus are nothing more than spectators watching a performance. The simple way of Jesus calls us to more. It calls us to break these circles and bend them into spirals as we seek to paint outside the lines to embody mercy, justice, grace, and love. Anyone with me? Does anyone want to explore a faith that sends us outside the known - away from the guardrails and streetlights? The air is fresher here, and only new possibilities lie in the trails ahead. Hopefully, I will see you there along the way. Show notes Episode Timestamp: In the News: 02:30 Christian Crazy: 9:00 Main Conversation: 18:30 Book referenced: Taking Jesus at His Word: What Jesus Really Said in the Sermon on the Mount ~ Addison Hodges Hart Finding Our Way Again ~ Brian McLaren Big thanks to these outlets that make the Christian Crazy possible: Right Wing Watch Christian Nightmares Friendly Atheist Come along for the ride as we skewer through life, culture, and spirituality in the face of a changing world. www.SnarkyFaith.com