The past few weeks on the show, we've been talking through the book,? Tug of War ? by Wilmer Villacorta. This several-week discussion has centered around leadership in the vein of Jesus.? We've talked about what biblical leadership should look like in juxtaposition to the modern church. We've seen how modern leadership is capitalistic, caustic, and antithetical to the Gospel of Jesus. The church today wields power through narrow systems of hierarchy that look more like corporations than communities. These systems narrowly allow certain people in positions of power, while others are overtly left outside.? The power of community is the power of Christianity. There is great value in owning our personal selves and stories, but we must also be blended and woven within the stories of others. A family of faith should be diverse. Its beauty is in its uniqueness and diversity. The movement from 'me' to 'we' is not one of losing power, but one much to the contrary. The process opening up to others is a road of vulnerability and humility, but ultimately one of great power as we collectively move together to make a better tomorrow that includes all people.? To craft a better tomorrow means that we must work together. We can't do this alone, Jesus calls us to be better together. Our stories will never be complete without others. There is no me without we... and that's a good thing.? Come along for the ride as we skewer through life, culture, and spirituality in the face of a changing world.