March 1, 2019

Exchange with my friend, the esteemed Deacon Steven D. Greydanus, from my Facebook page. His words will be in blue. ***** “I surround myself with the best people. I know the best people.” — the president with the highest turnover rate in modern history, including five former advisers who have pleaded guilty Are you still in the ranks of the Gospel-denying “Christianist” followers of antichrist GOP, or have you departed to an irrelevant 3rd party by now? Who cares who... Read more

March 1, 2019

I was very happy as an evangelical Protestant. I underwent a conversion to Christ in 1977 after being very nominal in my Methodist faith as a child and young teenager. I was an apologist on college campuses in the late 80s and had done a lot of street evangelism also. In the late 80s I became involved in Operation Rescue, where we would block the doors of abortion clinics in order to save the lives of babies about to be... Read more

February 28, 2019

Catholics don’t deny at all that Protestants can and do have miracles in their midst. Personally, my wife and I both feel that we were healed as Protestants, from her severe pains of scoliosis, and serious depression in my case. I noted many miracles in the Wesleyan revivals, as I was compiling my book of John Wesley quotations. What I think is really the bottom-line point in the overall discussion of miracles and the differences between Protestants and Catholics is... Read more

February 28, 2019

This is an exchange I had with a woman (presumably Protestant) — words in blue –, who was objecting to my dialogue on baptism (incidentally, the Protestant in that dialogue from 2002 recently became a Catholic). ***** It is important to share the fullness of Christian truth (as we Catholics believe it to be), so that all others may also share in its blessings. The motive is love, not a sort of “we know everything and you are stupid” mentality.... Read more

February 27, 2019

1) There are many Christian views on eschatology, so that no one perspective can be very dogmatic about it, in my opinion. 2) There will be an end times and a Day of the Lord / Judgment Day at some point in history (we know that), and it could possibly be soon. 3) But as Jesus said, “no man knows the day or the hour.” I was actually highly interested in Bible prophecy in the late 70s and early 80s... Read more

February 27, 2019

Everyone who goes to hell has had every chance to repent. God gives grace enough to all for them to repent, but some (many, apparently) choose not to. It’s their fault in the end. Prayer and penance and love assuredly help them along the road, but ultimately each individual decides and each stands before God, accountable for their actions and beliefs. God’s grace is sufficient to save them. They choose not to avail themselves of it. We must simultaneously hold... Read more

February 26, 2019

The well-known Protestant reference work, New Bible Dictionary (edited by J. D. Douglas, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1962, “Sackcloth,” p. 1112), describes biblical sackcloth: A coarse cloth . . . usually made of goat’s hair . . . Sackcloth was worn as a sign of mourning for the dead . . . , or of mourning for personal or national disaster . . . or of penitence for sins (1 Ki. 21:27; Ne. 9:1; Jon. 3:5; Mt.... Read more

February 26, 2019

Far too many Protestants make such a big stinking deal about how Catholics like to have “certainty” and how silly and foolish — almost “infantile” — that supposedly is (as if it were some foreign concept in Scripture). It’s not at all! One anti-Catholic tonight even ridiculously compared this to being nearly mentally ill, or on the path to same, anyway. Catholics have only a deluded certainty and mental illness . . . How dare we actually believe that God... Read more

February 26, 2019

This topic is tough to concisely explain, as with all “large and lumpy” issues or inquiries. In a nutshell, I would say that there are big differences in the two approaches to Christianity and the Christian life. Bear in mind, first of all, that whenever one is talking about “Protestantism,” one must necessarily generalize, and there are always exceptions, since Protestants disagree with each other about virtually everything except the existence of God and the fact that they are not... Read more

February 25, 2019

Bishop “Dr.” [???] James White had fun on his blog (5-18-04), with his “New Reformed Catholic Translation” (NRCT), directed towards his fellow Reformed Protestants who don’t follow his anti-Catholic line and unbiblical antipathy to sacramentalism and Church history. As a lover of satire myself, I could hardly resist presenting bits of a new translation I am working on, for the benefit of my Reformed Baptist fundamentalist friends like Bishop White: the Revised Fundamentalist Baptist Version (RFBV), to be published by... Read more

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