Liberal education is not for snobs. It is essential to the very survival of our......
The Boss's new album, Wrecking Ball, uses Christian faith to bridge the gap between......
The GOP presidential candidate is confused about Kennedy's famous Houston speech....
Barack Obama, a devout Christian, offered people of faith much promise in 2008. He has......
The Romney campaign's purposeful use of a quote they know to be false is a detestable......
Bruce Springsteen's new single calls us to renew the promise of America by loving one......
A Santorum-Obama showdown, though unlikely, would clarify the competing visions of......
The uncivil nature of the GOP primary season is nothing new in American history, but......
The recent Newt Gingrich-Freddie Mac case raises questions about the value of historical......
Christians can learn how to love God with their minds from an unlikely source: Benjamin......
History is the antidote to the shouting matches we call the "culture wars," and the......
Democracy celebrates human dignity, but it is also has its limits....
If America is a "nation with the soul of the church," you would never know it by......
How leaning history promotes virtues of humility, compassion, grace, and other essential......
Too many Christian parents want college to be like a four-year church camp. Real......
We can learn a lot about vocation from the men and women who worked in the rubble of......
The events of that tragic day were more about our common humanity than our patriotism....
Recent comments from Pat Robertson and Michele Bachmann are merely the latest in a long......
Sometimes the spiritual successes of evangelicals can be explained by earthly means....
America is great, but it is not the Kingdom of God....
Why Christian public intellectuals need to escape the ivory tower and popularize their......
How the study of history can help us navigate our cultural differences....
Reflections on interviewing a 100-year-old grandfather....
What can we learn from Sarah Palin's encounter with Paul Revere?...
A Christian historian reflects on the cultural phenomenon of Harold Camping and his May......
Many Christians have an aversion to "revisionist" history. Here's why that aversion is......
Evangelicals should think twice before relying on David Barton for historical......
The fourth in a four-part series on the Civil War as a battle between two "Christian......
The third in a four-part series on the Civil War as a battle between two "Christian......
The second in a four-part series on the Civil War as a battle between two "Christian......
Read the first in a four-part series on the Civil War as a battle between two......
The Smithsonian is preparing Jefferson's Bible for public display in November. Here are......
Today's American evangelicals might be surprised to learn what their spiritual ancestors......
Was America founded as a Christian nation? A look at the earliest state constitutions......
The Declaration of Independence was not written primarily to defend the "self-evident"......
"The Letter from a Birmingham Jail" calls America to recover the best in its......
Can a Christian claim to know God's purposes in history in the way that many Christian......
Many have sought to claim the George Washington legacy for their own religious purposes.......
Sacrilegious though it seems, we should dare to ask the question: was the founding war......
There were more Christians than deists among the founding fathers, and even those who......
By embodying what it means to be a scholar, teacher, and person of faith, John D.......
What happens when a Christian pastor, Dudley Rutherford, gives a history lesson that......
A two-hundred-year-old New Year resolution shows that while some things have changed,......
There never was a golden age of Christmas in America. Celebrating a Christ-centered......
Debates over America as a "Christian nation" are endless and unhelpful -- unless we......
One very important group has always regarded the United States as a "Christian nation":......
Reflecting over the holidays: How are we serving the needs of the places where we live?...
What should we remember about the "first" Thanksgiving?...
The study of the past can be a deeply devotional practice....