What Do Sex, Lent, UFO’s, Evolution, and the Shroud of Turin Have in Common?

What Do Sex, Lent, UFO’s, Evolution, and the Shroud of Turin Have in Common? March 12, 2017


They’re all, in one way or another, connected with Catholicism. That’s how they’re related. These also happen to be the topics covered in the TOP10 trending posts on this blog this week.

And why shouldn’t they?

Dappled Things argues Flannery O’Connor apparently never said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you odd,” but she was right anyway:

The reader of today… has forgotten the cost of truth, even in fiction. I don’t believe that you can impose orthodoxy on fiction. I do believe that you can deepen your own orthodoxy by reading if you are not afraid of strange visions. Our sense of what is contained in our faith is deepened less by abstractions than by an encounter with mystery in what is human and often perverse.

In other words, The Catholic Imagination teaches that God is close to all of the phenomena of the sublunar world, even, or especially, the weird ones:

  1. Why is the Catholic Experience of Sex so Different from the Protestant Experience of Sex?
  2. Increasingly Secularized Americans Are Sexless, But Catholics Might Be Bucking the Sex Trends
  3. Extraterrestrials Aren’t a Threat to Theology, Because They Aren’t New to the Ancient Church
  4. Who Knew Sex Helps You to Experience God’s Presence in the World?
  5. True Lent Humility Starts with the Realization That You’re Divine
  6. Lent Blockbuster: John Paul II’s Private Spiritual Diaries to Be Published Soon
  7. The Liberty at the Bottom of a Formless and Sexless Void
  8. If You Practice It, You’ll Become: How the Pastor Became an Atheist
  9. The Subjectivism of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
  10. The Newest News on the Authenticity of the Shroud of Turin
  11. BONUS: Hitchcock Didn’t Have a Deathbed Conversion (Famous Atheists Who Weren’t Atheists #5), Hitchcock was born on this day in 1899.

untitledIn new book news, the Catholic-friendly Calvinist press Eerdmans (mouthful, isn’t it?) has a new book of essays by Catholic and Protestant theologians on the topic of Evolution and the (traditional) non-literal reading of Gensis entitled Evolution and the Fall:

What does it mean for the Christian doctrine of the Fall if there was no historical Adam? If humanity emerged from nonhuman primates—as genetic, biological, and archaeological evidence seems to suggest—then what are the implications for a Christian understanding of human origins, including the origin of sin?

Evolution and the Fall gathers a multidisciplinary, ecumenical team of scholars to address these difficult questions and others like them from the perspectives of biology, theology, history, Scripture, philosophy, and politics


William T. Cavanaugh
Celia Deane-Drummond
Darrel R. Falk
Joel B. Green
Michael Gulker
Peter Harrison
J. Richard Middleton
Aaron Riches
James K. A. Smith
Brent Waters
Norman Wirzba

Now that’s an excellent group of top-notch scholars!

I’m only surprised that Conor Cunningham, author of an important Eerdmans book on evolution and theology, Darwin’s Pious Idea, didn’t make the list. His work is featured alongside the words of Benedict XVI in the post Did Darwin Kill God? Here’s a brief summary of the Cunningham’s book in BBC documentary form:

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