Books by Dave Armstrong: “Orthodoxy and Catholicism: A Comparison”

Books by Dave Armstrong: “Orthodoxy and Catholicism: A Comparison” July 13, 2006

(Third Edition, 2015)

Cover (555 x 838, 175K)

[First Edition completed in July 2004; published by Lulu in August 2007; Third Edition (heavily revised), with additional contributions from Eastern Catholic Fr. Daniel Dozier, was completed in July 2015; 335 pages]

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 Front cover design by Fr. Daniel Dozier

Back cover design by Chad Toney

 My Book, Orthodoxy and Catholicism: A Comparison, to be Read by Bishops and Priests in the Czech Republic 


Descriptive Blurb  

It has been my strong desire for some time now to revise my book in order to emphasize ecumenism and unity proportionately a lot more than in the first (2004) edition. I’m much more interested in finding common ground. I’ve also learned a thing or two about Orthodoxy over the past decade. I wanted this volume to be able to read by Orthodox and also Eastern Catholics, without having seizures or going into apoplectic fits (caused by my ignorance or overly polemical or biased writing). I exaggerate, of course, but perhaps not by much! Toward that end I have enlisted a very qualified Eastern (Byzantine) Catholic friend to participate in the revised edition: Fr. Deacon Daniel Dozier. The revision remains an apologetic for Catholicism and respectful critique of Orthodoxy, but now it also includes friendly ecumenical discussion and dialogue: feedback and input from the Eastern theological perspective. The overall tone, tenor, and goal is considerably different. Unity is stressed as much as apologetics.


Table of Contents

[Third Revised 2015 Edition]

Additional Contributor to the Third Revised 2015 Edition
Preface to the Third Revised 2015 Edition
2. Reflections on the Sack of Constantinople in 1204 and Lesser-Known Byzantine Atrocities
3. Development of Doctrine in Orthodoxy and Catholicism: Different in Essence?
4. Is Purgatory a “Place” or “Condition” (or Both)?: Misconceptions About the Catholic View
5. Do St. Anselm, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Other Catholic Thinkers Adopt an Unbiblical “Rationalism” Leading to a “Remote” or “Impersonal” God?


6. Theological Opinions on the Papacy Prior to 1054 

7. The Filioque and the Eastern Church Fathers

8. Orthodoxy and Divorce

9. Orthodoxy and Contraception

10. Original Sin: Caricatures and Commonalities

11. Theosis / Deification in Western Spirituality

12. Fr. Deacon Daniel Dozier: Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and the Face of Christ

Back Cover
Back Cover (Rev.) (550 x 702)
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Last revised on 25 September 2020


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