[cover design by Dave and Judy Armstrong]
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Dedication (p. 3)
Introduction (p. 5)
1. Biblical Evidence for Submission to the Church and Apostolic Tradition (p. 9)
2. Various Biblical Indications of Apostolic Succession (p. 17) [read similar version online]
3. The Futile Attempt to Pit St. Paul’s Apostolic Authority Over Against Church Authority (p. 25)
4. Biblical Evidence for a Conscience Formed in Harmony with Church Teachings (p. 33) [read online]
5. Biblical Support for Excommunication and Anathemas (p. 43)
6. Biblical Proofs for an Infallible Church (Featuring 1 Timothy 3:15) (p. 47)
7. Biblical Evidence for the Indefectibility of the Church (p. 59)
8. The Indefectibility of the Old Testament Religious System as Analogous to the Church (p. 65)
9. Replies to a Protestant Critic of the Primacy of St. Peter in Scripture (p. 77)
10. St. Paul’s Rebuke of St. Peter and the Relative Position of the Two Great Apostles (p. 89)
11. Biblical Evidence for the Terms Holy Father and Vicar of Christ (p. 99) [read very similar post]
12. Pope St. Peter the “Rock”: Protestant Scholarly Support (p. 103)
13. Peter the “Rock”: Protestant Historical Exegesis and its Polemical Overreaction to Catholic Claims (p. 117)
14. Pope St. Peter, the Possessor of the “Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven”: Protestant Scholarly Commentary (p. 125)
15. Inspired Prophets as an Analogy to Papal Infallibility (p. 137)
16. The Biblical and Logical Argument for Papal Succession (p. 143)
As is the case with several of my more recent books, this volume consists entirely of materials posted on my website / blog: Biblical Evidence for Catholicism: written between 1997 and 2011: several in direct response to Protestant queries or challenges. I’ve revised them in order to clarify the thoughts and to “tighten” up the arguments.
My goal is to defend and clarify what Catholics believe with regard to ecclesiology, or the doctrine of the Church (including the papacy), why we do, and to demonstrate that Catholic beliefs are in harmony with Holy Scripture and the doctrines held by the early Church.
I’ve written extensively on the biblical basis of the Catholic understanding of ecclesiology in my books published by Sophia Institute Press: A Biblical Defense of Catholicism (pp. 211-238, 247-257), The Catholic Verses (pp. 3-19, 55-61), The One-Minute Apologist (pp. 16-53), and Bible Proofs for Catholic Truths (pp. 59-158).
These essays will expand upon earlier arguments and introduce some “new” ones (though it is doubtful that any apologetics arguments are completely original).
The relationship of the Bible and Catholic doctrine is of obvious interest to Protestants, who deny the infallibility of the Church, and hold that Scripture alone is the only final, infallible authority (denying that characteristic to the Church and apostolic tradition and the papacy).
Therefore, if Catholics can show that an infallible Church and papacy are squarely based on Scripture, Protestants would be bound to those beliefs, by their own rule of faith (sola Scriptura). My humble (but ambitious) aim is to demonstrate exactly that.