The Annunciation (1898), by Henry Ossawa Tanner (1859-1937) [public domain / Wikimedia Commons]
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[written in the wee hours of 7 December 2015]
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I am the archangel Gabriel, privileged to stand in the presence of the Lord. [1]
When Zechariah fathered John the Baptist; I explained to him John’s role. [2]
To holy Daniel of old I prophesied about 70 weeks and empires of the sword. [3]
The entire landscape of history from beginning to end; all is able to be foretold.
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Appearing to Mary of Nazareth I proclaimed God with her always; day by day. [4]
Bearing Messiah: God the Son, was to be her unfathomable joy and singular task.
I hailed, confirming grace and favor upon her: the Mother to the Truth and Way,
Teaching her about the Holy Spirit’s overshadowing, when confused, she did ask.
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I am the angel of the Lord, as bright as the sun, reflecting God’s glory and power.
Sent to announce to Bethlehem’s shepherds in the field, good tidings of great joy. [5]
From heaven to their town came the Savior, Christ the Lord: born in that very hour.
Filled with awe, they rushed to the manger in the cave, for to worship the holy boy.
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I am the angel who was sent to roll back the stone enclosing our risen Lord’s tomb,
Appearing like lightning; robes white as snow, scaring the guards who could hear it.
Informing both Marys: “Don’t be afraid. Jesus lives! Tell others He shall appear soon!
“In Galilee, then Jerusalem; the new Christian age to begin, by the Holy Spirit.” [6]
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Biblical sources:
[1] Luke 1:19
[2] Luke 1:12-17
[3] Daniel 8 and 9
[4] Luke 1:26-38
[5] Luke 2:8-12
[6] Matthew 28:2-7