October 30, 2019

[book and purchase information] Mary and Joseph: Vision of This beauty, which I saw in our Lady, was exceedingly grand, though I did not trace it in any particular feature, but rather in the whole form of her face. She was clothed in white and her garments shone with excessive lustre that was not dazzling, but soft. I did not see St. Joseph so distinctly, though I saw clearly that he was there, as in the visions of which I... Read more

October 29, 2019

The example of the Galatian congregation proves that Christians can be tremendous hypocrites and sinners. It’s nothing new and will always be with us, because Christianity is a very difficult path. ***** The Apostle Paul on the Galatians as Miserable Sinners * Galatians 1:6 (RSV) “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and turning to a different gospel” * Galatians 3:1-3 “O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you, before whose eyes... Read more

October 28, 2019

[Book and purchase information] Revelation 5:8 (RSV) And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and with golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints; Revelation 6:9-10 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne; they cried out with... Read more

October 28, 2019

From: The Collected Letters of C. S. Lewis, Vol. III: Narnia, Cambridge, and Joy 1950-1963, edited by Walter Hooper, HarperSanFrancisco, 2007; 3 June 1956; letter to Keith Masson, pp. 758-759: You rather take the line that a traditional moral principle must produce a proof of its validity before it is accepted: I rather, that it must be accepted until someone produces a conclusive refutation of it. But apart from that: — I agree that the stuff about ‘wastage of vital fluids’ is... Read more

October 24, 2019

[see purchase information] Many Protestants (particularly Calvinists, following Calvin) make the argument that since Jesus bodily ascended to heaven, therefore He could not possibly be present bodily in the Holy Eucharist (since He is already located in heaven). One way to counter this false notion is to show that God being present in physical objects (i.e., in a special way, beyond omnipresence) is not some new, innovative thing. It was a characteristic of God all along. The incarnation makes it... Read more

October 24, 2019

This is the five page-long chapter three of my book, Reflections on Radical Catholic Reactionaries (2002, slightly revised in 2013; available at the link for as low as $2.99). ***** 68. Many radical Catholic reactionaries believe that the “bitter fruits” of Vatican II have all but “destroyed” the Church. This is “quasi-defectibility.” The reactionary rarely — in mixed company — wants to assert this outright (according to their incessant doublethink), but how close they habitually come! It becomes an Orwellian situation wherein the Church... Read more

October 22, 2019

From: The Collected Letters of C. S. Lewis, Vol. II: Books, Broadcasts, and the War, 1931-1949, edited by Walter Hooper, HarperSanFrancisco, 2004: Fascism and Communism, like all other evils, are potent because of the good they contain or imitate. . . . One of the things we must guard against is the penetration of both into Christianity . . . Mark my words: you will presently see both a Leftist and a Rightist pseudo-theology developing — the abomination will stand where... Read more

October 22, 2019

. . . Some Things Never Change . . .  From: The Collected Letters of C. S. Lewis, Vol. II: Books, Broadcasts, and the War, 1931-1949, edited by Walter Hooper, HarperSanFrancisco, 2004: I have said again and again that what we very badly need is a new, frankly high-brow, periodical not in the hands of the Left. . . . In almost all existing periodicals one knows in advance how a certain book will be reviewed: the personal and political bias... Read more

October 21, 2019

The following material is a remnant of my discontinued book, 501 Biblical Arguments Against Sola Scriptura (Lulu: Jan. 2009): which was revised and published as 100 Biblical Arguments Against Sola Scriptura (San Diego: Catholic Answers Press, May 2012). The newer book is of a completely different structure, with the best arguments modified, improved, and honed down to get the best “meat” of the various arguments against sola Scriptura. It also contains several sections that are brand-new. The older book was... Read more

October 21, 2019

I’ve been reading through the two volumes of Collected Letters of C. S. Lewis (running from 1931-1963) — edited by Walter Hooper –: some 2500 pages worth of endless treasures and insights. One thing I’ve learned about Lewis is that he exhibited very strong signs of exceptional sanctity. It may not be how we usually think of the apologetics and fantasy writer titan, but it is a delightful thing to behold. I shall examine five different ways that C. S.... Read more

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