June 25, 2019

Phenomenological Language in Holy Scripture and in the Addresses of Pope Francis In an article hosted by Gloria.tv (6-24-19), it was stated: The Eucharist is “Jesus who becomes bread,” and contains the “entire reality of the Church,” Pope Francis claimed in his June 23 Corpus Christi homily. He went on alleging that we find in the Eucharist God himself “contained in a piece of bread.” These formulations are profoundly heretical. . . . The heretical concept pronounced by Francis is... Read more

June 25, 2019

I ran across this podcast that advertised itself as “Dr Taylor Marshall Responds to Critics of Infiltration Book w Right on Point.” I thought there was some remote chance of his actually doing what it claimed, but no such luck. I wasn’t mentioned by name (I believe I have written more in criticism of the book than anyone, by far), nor was Dr. Jeff Mirus, nor Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, nor Fr. Dwight Longenecker (who has been a personal friend... Read more

June 24, 2019

I have vigorously opposed theological liberalism all this time, too I’ve traced links on that topic on my website to 2 may 2000: six years before Taylor Marshall was even received into the Church. This is nothing new. We apologists have known about it all along. Here is an archived page from that date, of my “Heresies, the Occult, and the New Age Movement” web page. You can see the section “Freemasonry” which contains links to the 1983 Vatican Declaration... Read more

June 24, 2019

These are interactions on my Facebook page, from 6-2-19, after my initial critique of his book: Reactionary Infiltration of Taylor Marshall’s Book, Infiltration. ***** Currently 840 reviews are posted on the page (89% of them 5-star reviews from his rapturous fan club of wide-eyed “sheep”). My only objection is the leaving of an impression to the casual observer that 840 reviews in nine days’ time since a book has been published, are a spontaneous outpouring of the Catholic community as a whole, which is... Read more

June 21, 2019

Dr. Lydia McGrew is a philosopher, Anglican, and author of what looks to be a very delightful book: Hidden in Plain View: Undesigned Coincidences in the Gospels and Acts (2017). I always enjoy talking with her, and this was no exception. It occurred spontaneously and very rapidly (we both write fast!) on my Facebook page yesterday. It’s a follow-up discussion to my two recent posts: Catholics & Origins: Irreducible Complexity or Theistic Evolution? [6-17-19] * Why I Believe in “Non-Miraculous” Intelligent Design [6-20-19]... Read more

June 20, 2019

This is a follow-up dialogue and discussion of my paper, Catholics & Origins: Irreducible Complexity or Theistic Evolution? VicqRuiz is a self-described deist who has been a very congenial dialogue / sparring partner for some time now on my blog. His words will be in blue. My position on evolution / creation issues has actually significantly shifted today (I love when that happens!), after listening to the podcast dialogue mentioned in the above paper. ***** Suppose that a creator built a perfect 1/12... Read more

June 20, 2019

I discovered on 6-19-19 that my Amazon review had been removed from the Amazon Book Page for Infiltration. It was, for about two weeks, listed as the “top review” and the first one listed of over 1000, and also the “top critical review.” It had more than 250 “helpful” votes: more than any other review. Now it’s gone, and is no longer listed on my Amazon profile page, listing all my book reviews there. I tried  unsuccessfully with two Amazon... Read more

June 19, 2019

I’ve written about radical Catholic reactionary Louie Verrecchio (words in blue below) three times before, though only on Facebook (one / two / three). His quasi-schismatic extremism and serious error regarding Vatican II is laid out in his “About” page from his aka Catholic website. He has followed the same sad path that Taylor Marshall, Peter Kwasniewski and other reactionaries are now also following: For years, I was warmly welcomed as a presenter in Catholic parishes and dioceses throughout the... Read more

June 19, 2019

Gaudium et spes (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World) was promulgated at the Second Vatican Council, in agreement with Pope St. Paul VI, on 7 December 1965. Roberto de Mattei is a radical Catholic reactionary, who signed the Filial Correction of Pope Francis in July 2017. He is regularly published at the reactionary websites Rorate Caeli (e.g., 7-2-17 / 1-28-15 / 7-13-17 / 3-29-17 / 10-19-16 / 11-2-16), One Peter Five (e.g., 3-8-17 and 5-16-17), and Lifesite News.  I shall critique his article published at the latter site:... Read more

June 18, 2019

From my 2010 book, Science and Christianity: Close Partners or Mortal Enemies? (pp. 38-46). Follow the link for book and purchase information: available for as low as $2.99. I have not checked all the links. Some may be defunct after nine years. Generally, Amazon, Google Books, and Wikipedia links are pretty stable and unchanging. [New Introduction] Many people (particularly atheists) seem to have this notion that the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages was hostile to empirical inquiry, the study of processes... Read more

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