Yesterday was my fourth wedding anniversary.
As I reflect on my marriage, I am in awe of how wonderful and perfect it is. My husband is so awesome and perfect for me in every way.
I’m usually a skeptic and I’m not one to put much stock in the blessings of a “holy man” but it really is remarkable that less than a year after visiting the guru (who at the time I thought of as only my parents’ guru) and asking for a blessing to find a good husband, Brad appeared in my life.
I didn’t think about it at the time. I just thought I had gotten lucky at last. After a full ten years of dating and trying to find the right man for me, suddenly there he was and everything about our relationship was easy. And still is easy.
It wasn’t until a little while after we were married that I think it was my mom who pointed out the timing and how all this had fallen into place right after we visited His Holiness Sri Bharati Tirtha.
I’m still mostly a skeptic, but I’ve warmed up to the idea that it could be possible for someone very in tune with the universe to clear some karmic blockages for other people.
I’m so grateful to have the life that I have now. I have an amazing and perfect husband, a lovely child, and I get to be a stay at home mom just as I always wanted.
Life is good!
New to this blog? Check out these posts:
Why Am I Called “The White Hindu”?
New to Hinduism? Learn more here:
Hinduism 101: What Do Hindus Believe?
Your First Visit To A Hindu Temple
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- Brian Hanechak
- Amit Agarwal
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(views expressed here are mine alone and do not reflect opinions of my supporters. Links within the text may be affiliate links, meaning that if you purchase something I get a small commission for recommending it. I only recommend things I truly believe in)