Martin Luther’s (“Catholic”) Mariology in a Nutshell

Martin Luther’s (“Catholic”) Mariology in a Nutshell May 8, 2019

1. He vigorously defended the use of the title Theotokos [“Mother of God”]

2. He believed in Mary’s perpetual virginity (including in partu: that is, — without getting graphic about it — a virgin during birth: Jesus miraculously passing through her body to be delivered).

3. He held to a form of Immaculate Conception: thinking Mary was freed from original sin: but at the conception of Christ, not her own.

4. He (and early Lutheran confessions) held that a person could believe in her Assumption without being a heretic.

5. He thought a great measure of Marian devotion was fine (Rosary, etc.) provided it was in the right spirit (Christ-centered).

6. He regarded Mary as the greatest woman and creature, and venerated her not unlike Catholics do.

7. He (and the Lutheran confessions) contended that saints in heaven pray for us, but (after 1521) he rejected the invocation of saints.


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(originally 4-12-18 on Facebook, links added on 5-8-19)

Photo credit: Portrait of Martin Luther (detail), 1564, by workshop of Lucas Cranach the Younger (1515-1586) [public domain / Wikimedia Commons]


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