American slavery and the white American Bible: A Reader

American slavery and the white American Bible: A Reader December 18, 2018

In light of recent report by the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary on that school’s grim, sinful history as a defender of and advocate for slavery, I’ve collected some of the key posts here on the topic. It seems I repeat myself a lot.

5.26.07: Giving the moon the finger

3.9.11: Re-reading Woolman after 20 years

5.28.12: Slavery, seafood, sexuality and the Southern Bible

5.28.12: Slavery and same-sex marriage (cont’d.)

10.10.12: The clobber verses of slavery & the slavery of clobber verses

3.4.13: Concubines and ‘biblical families’: Literalism, inerrancy, slavery and a great deal of money

9.16.13: Three strikes against white evangelical theology

9.17.13: Slavery, segregation and biblical literalism (cont’d.)

11.21.13: ‘Inerrancy’ is just Round 2 of the Bible-battle over slavery

6.17.14: This is not good news. This is not salvation.

8.21.14: The Hole in Noll: The whiteness of ‘[White] America’s God’

11.17.14: A ‘Yankee abolitionist holiday’

12.4.14: Evangelical biblicism is a new(ish) thing

12.5.14: White evangelical biblicism grew up defending slavery. That’s what it’s for.

12.18.14: The Bible used to get a lot of things wrong

12.29.14: The Bible is clearly ambiguous, but not that kind of ambiguous

1.30.15: Slavery and the Creation of a Counterfeit ‘Biblical Civilization’ in America: 1619-1865

2.1.15: Slavery and the way we read the Bible: The picture is accurate, but it’s upside-down

4.23.15: Inerrancy, white evangelicals, ‘and the sin of racism’

6.20.15: Our job is to unlearn the lies we learned from the theologians of slavery (part 1)

6.21.15: Unlearning the lies we learned from the theologians of slavery (part 2)

6.26.15: Unlearning the lies we learned from the theologians of slavery (part 3)

11.13.15: Al Mohler’s pompous piety can’t make chicken soup out of the chicken-poop argument invented to justify slavery

12.10.15: ‘If X is not wrong, then nothing is wrong’

4.18.16: What if we learned about the Bible from the people who got it right?

1.9.17: Go and learn what this means — the bad-faith ‘biblical’ defense of injustice (part 1)

1.10.17: Go and learn what this means — the bad-faith ‘biblical’ defense of injustice (part 2)

3.21.17: The audacious claim that we are not shaped by history

6.29.17: The Defenders of Slavery Taught us How to Bible


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