Nagasaki, Japan, before and after the atomic bombing of August 9, 1945 [public domain / Wikimedia Commons]
Nuclear Bombing of Japan vs. Just War Ethics [8-25-05]
Nuclear Bombing of Japan vs. Just War Ethics (Part II) [9-5-05]
Nuclear Bombings of Japan: Justified by “Double Effect”? [8-28-05 and 9-5-05]
Indiscriminate Nuclear Destruction: Condemned by the Magisterium [1-23-06]
Ethics of Hiroshima & Nagasaki: Catholic Reflections [1-28-06; rev. 10-23-06]
Analysis of Gaudium et spes Regarding Nuclear Strikes [2-1-06]
9000-9600 Catholics Killed at Nagasaki in August 1945 [8-28-06]
Japanese “Universal” Military Conscription & Nuclear Bombings [5-25-08]
Catholic Nuclear Ethics: Friendly Dialogue (vs. Deacon Jim Russell) [6-8-16]
Vigorous (but Civil) Facebook discussion of the issue [Facebook, June 2016; many participants]
Rhetorical US Nuclear Threats Are Nothing New At All [8-9-17]