July 1, 2019

This is one of the latest charges from Novus Ordo Watch: a sedevacantist venue. In an article dated 6-14-19, entitled, More “Papal” Heresy: Francis the Lutheran denies Catholic Dogma on Merit, it claims: [H]e revealed that he denies the Catholic dogma on the possibility of supernatural merit before God by the justified. The heretical ramblings of the false pope, who goes by the stage name of Francis, were reported by the Vatican’s in-house propaganda arm, Vatican News: Christian life, said Pope Francis, is... Read more

July 1, 2019

It seems that for some inexplicable reason (who knows what?), three of my fellow Catholic writers at Patheos (and heaven knows how many more kindred spirits that they are gabbing with) have gotten this ridiculous idea in their heads that I somehow believe in the contrary of the idea expressed in the title of this article. They know better. As a matter of fact, I have never ever believed such a ludicrous notion, and I can easily prove it: what... Read more

June 30, 2019

[published in National Catholic Register, 8-21-07] Got a Minute? THE ONE-MINUTE APOLOGIST Essential Catholic Replies to Over Sixty Common Protestant Claims by Dave Armstrong Sophia Institute Press, 2007 145 pages, $12.95 I first heard of Dave Armstrong 12 years ago when I read Surprised By Truth, a compilation of testimonies by 11 converts to Catholicism, most of them from Protestant backgrounds. Armstrong had spent time in a number of Protestant denominations — Methodist, Lutheran, Pentecostal and evangelical — before entering... Read more

June 30, 2019

Chris Jackson, over at everyone’s favorite radical Catholic reactionary site, The Remnant, decided to “prove” that I’m an irrelevant “neo-Catholic” dinosaur (“Tonight I’m Gonna Blog It Like It’s 1999”). It was highly entertaining fun on a Saturday morning. Here’s the heart of it: Then I noticed a name I had not heard in quite some time. The verbose Neo-Catholic apologist “Cowboy” Dave Armstrong. Cowboy Dave is best known for the encyclopedic stream of consciousness rambling tomes he used to post... Read more

June 29, 2019

[from my apologetics inserts in The Catholic Answer Bible (Our Sunday Visitor, 2002] The Incarnation, which made the redemption of mankind possible, “glorified” matter and raised it to previously unknown heights. God took on human flesh! All created matter was “good” in God’s opinion (Gen 1:25). Ritual and “physicality” were not abolished by the coming of Christ. The sacramental principle flows from the Incarnation itself. If matter had nothing to do with grace, then God wouldn‟t have had to become man.... Read more

June 27, 2019

King David honored King Saul even though he was a scoundrel, and seeking to kill him. St. Paul honored the high priest at his trial, citing Old Testament Scripture, “you shall not speak evil of your ruler” (Acts 23:5). St. Peter told (1 Pet 2:17) us to “honor the emperor” (who at the time was Nero: the guy who had both Peter and Paul killed). 2 Samuel 2:5-6 (RSV) David sent messengers to the men of Ja’besh-gil’ead, and said to... Read more

June 27, 2019

This is from  Facebook post of mine, dated 1-18-14. The original proverb I defended was: “Those who are willing to understand Pope Francis, can and will do so. Those who aren’t willing, won’t, and possibly can’t as well.” I stand by this, now over five years later, and after now having defended Pope Francis literally 133 times. The original contained much back-and-forth, but for brevity’s sake, I have included only my own comments. The entire exchange can be read on... Read more

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