July 6, 2019

So many times, I am told (when opposing some falsehood being spewed about me or my work or alleged opinion) that we (and I) must “turn the other cheek” and not respond: as if this were an unwavering biblical command.   But I have reflected recently about how even Jesus didn’t totally turn the other cheek at His trial. He responded to Caiaphas the high priest: Matthew 26:62-64 (RSV) And the high priest stood up and said, “Have you no answer... Read more

July 5, 2019

[From The Catholic Answer Bible (2002). I wrote the 44 apologetics inserts, which can be purchased by themselves for $2.99.] The Assumption can easily be reconciled with Scripture because it is not contrary to it in any way. The premise that all Christian doctrines must appear in Scripture in order to be accepted cannot itself be found anywhere in Scripture. Catholics agree that no Christian teaching can contradict anything in the Bible. The Assumption of Mary is a belief of this sort. We believe in it... Read more

July 5, 2019

[From The Catholic Answer Bible (2002). I wrote the 44 apologetics inserts, which can be purchased by themselves for $2.99.] In Holy Scripture, we have a record of the apostles preaching the gospel (literally, “Good News”) immediately after Pentecost. St. Peter preached the gospel in the Upper Room (Acts 2:22-40), and 3000 people became Christians upon hearing it (2:41). In this speech, “faith alone” (a notion which is often claimed to be the substance of the gospel) does not appear at all. Rather, he... Read more

July 3, 2019

Perhaps Father Longenecker can tell us all how much money he makes from blogging at Patheos. Perhaps he can advise us how much money he puts into their bank by writing for them – a webpage that puts the one, true, faith of Catholicism on an even par with Protestantism, Hinduism, Paganism, witchcraft and atheism! Is that something that a faithful Catholic priest or layman such as Armstrong or Shea should be supporting? What does Father Longenecker do all day?... Read more

July 3, 2019

Documented Conversions or Reversions in Part Due to My Work (Completely Caused by God’s Grace) All glory to God always, for everything. We are just vessels, if He uses us to spread the message to someone else: one sinning beggar sharing spiritual food with other beggars. It all goes back to God and His grace in the end. No one can do the slightest good thing without it. Praise Him! If someone asks me why I do apologetics, this is... Read more

July 2, 2019

St. Paul tells us not to associate with ’em, not to eat with such people. Block them (if they show that they can’t stop doing this, and it’s all they do). Spend time with people who can engage in normal, civil conversation. Don’t cast your pearls before swine. Coveting and envy are often the root of slanders and calumnies and verbal abuse, so I have included them among the terms highlighted. I didn’t even cite the passages on avoiding foolish... Read more

July 2, 2019

I wrote my post, No, Pope Francis Did Not Deny Transubstantiation (Phenomenological Language in Holy Scripture and in the Addresses of Pope Francis) in response to the arguments of Novus Ordo Watch, a sedevacantist venue (i.e., one that denies that there is presently a pope; and they usually believe that Ven. Pope Pius XII was the last valid one). They have now counter-replied with On Francis’ Denial of Transubstantiation: A Rejoinder to Dave Armstrong (7-1-19). The words of this article (written by who... Read more

July 1, 2019

This is one of the latest charges from Novus Ordo Watch: a sedevacantist venue. In an article dated 6-14-19, entitled, More “Papal” Heresy: Francis the Lutheran denies Catholic Dogma on Merit, it claims: [H]e revealed that he denies the Catholic dogma on the possibility of supernatural merit before God by the justified. The heretical ramblings of the false pope, who goes by the stage name of Francis, were reported by the Vatican’s in-house propaganda arm, Vatican News: Christian life, said Pope Francis, is... Read more

July 1, 2019

It seems that for some inexplicable reason (who knows what?), three of my fellow Catholic writers at Patheos (and heaven knows how many more kindred spirits that they are gabbing with) have gotten this ridiculous idea in their heads that I somehow believe in the contrary of the idea expressed in the title of this article. They know better. As a matter of fact, I have never ever believed such a ludicrous notion, and I can easily prove it: what... Read more

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