The Childlike in George MacDonald and C. S. Lewis (Don King)
Apostle of the Imagination (Jeremy Halcrow)
Analysis of the contents of George MacDonald: An Anthology (Paul F. Ford)
Lord of the Elves and Eldils: Fantasy and Philosophy in C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien (book by Richard L. Purtill)
Religion and the Romantic Movement (Christopher Dawson)
Get A Myth: Inventing Stories To Live By (Charles Colson)
Internet Modern History Sourcebook: Romanticism
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand
Hopkins, Gerard Manley. 1918. Poems
Coventry Patmore (1823-1896)
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Friedrich von Schlegel
William Wordsworth: Complete Poetical Works
The Lewis Carroll Society
Lewis Carroll Home Page
Looking For Lewis Carroll
Gerald of Wales: The Exhumation of Arthur’s Body
Catholic Encyclopedia: THE HOLY GRAIL
Catholic Encyclopedia: CHIVALRY
— Christopher Dawson —
The Inklings and Other Friends and Influences on C.S. Lewis
Introduction to the Inklings (Elesha Coffman)
Seven: An Anglo-American Literary Review (devoted to C.S. Lewis, Chesterton, Tolkien, MacDonald, Williams, Barfield, Sayers)
The Inklings: C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, and their friends (book by Humphrey Carpenter)
The Inklings Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to the Lives, Thought and Writings of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, Owen Barfield and Their Friends (book by by Colin Duriez and David Porter)
Shadows of Heaven: Religion and Fantasy in the Writing of C. S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and J. R. R. Tolkien (Religion and Other Disciplines) (book by Gunnar Urang)
Shadows of imagination;: The fantasies of C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams (Crosscurrents: modern critiques) (book by Mark Robert Hillegas)
Robert “Humphrey” Havard (Wikipedia)
Roger Lancelyn Green (Wikipedia)
John Wain (Wikipedia)
Warren Lewis (Wikipedia)
Christian Mythmakers: C.S. Lewis, Madeleine L’Engle, J.R.R. Tolkien, George Madonald, G.K. Chesterton, and Others (book by Rolland Hein)
— Malcolm Muggeridge —
The Golden Key: The George MacDonald Page
The Writings, Spiritual Vision, and Legacy of George MacDonald (web page by Michael Phillips)
Who is George MacDonald? (Michael Phillips, Richard Reis, and Mike Dalton)
George MacDonald (Wikipedia)
BrainyQuote: George MacDonald
Quotations (Bartleby)
Quotations (ThinkExist.com)
Quotations (compiled by Michael Phillips)
The fairy story may be made a vehicle of Mystery. That at least is what George MacDonald attempted, achieving stories of power and beauty when he succeeded.
— J. R. R. Tolkien —
The Fantastic Imagination (essay by George MacDonald)
George MacDonald (G. K. Chesterton)
The Childlike in George MacDonald and C. S. Lewis (Don King)
George MacDonald’s Faith in Historical Perspective (Adam Mackay)
An Orthodox Appreciation of George MacDonald (Robert W. Grano)
Description of a MacDonald Sermon (from one present)
George MacDonald is pre-eminently a mythopoeic writer . . . In his power . . . to project his inner life into images, beings, landscapes which are valid for all, he is one of the most remarkable writers of the nineteenth century.
— W. H. Auden —
George MacDonald (by C.S. Lewis) (15 Reviews)
Analysis of the contents of George MacDonald: An Anthology (Paul F. Ford – book by C.S. Lewis)
Index for George MacDonald: An Anthology (Paul F. Ford – book by C.S. Lewis)
Summary of George MacDonald Books
George MacDonald – Victorian Mythmaker (book by Rolland Hein)
George MacDonald: Scotland’s Beloved Storyteller (book by Michael R. Phillips)
George MacDonald in the Pulpit (book edited by J. Joseph Flynn and David Edwards)
Essays on C.S. Lewis and George MacDonald (book by Cynthia Marshall)
George MacDonald (book by D. S. Robb)
George MacDonald – a Bibliographical Study (book by Raphael B. Shaberman)
The Stars and the Stillness – a Portrait of George MacDonald (book by Kathy Triggs)
3000 Quotations of George MacDonald (book compiled by Harry Verploggh)
It is not difficult to imagine the peculiar excitement and joy that one would feel, if any specially beautiful fairy-story were found to be ‘primarily’ true, its narrative to be history, without thereby necessarily losing the mythical or allegorical significance that it had possessed . . . God is the Lord of angels, and of men — and of elves. Legend and History have met and fused . . . The Evangelium has not abrogated legends; it has hallowed them, especially the ‘happy ending’.
— J. R. R. Tolkien —
Tolkien: The Man behind the Myth (Mary Lasse)
Wikipedia Entry
Personal Best: The Lord of the Rings (Scott Rosenberg)
Christianity and Middle-Earth
Lord of the Rings: True Mythology (Leadership University)
Tolkien’s Impact in Literature and Life (Patrick W. Curles)
Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings: A Book for Our Time of Terror (Ralph Wood)
Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings: A Christian Classic Revisited (Ralph Wood)
The Battle of the Books – No contest. Tolkien runs rings around Potter (Brian M. Carney)
Lord of the Elves and Eldils: Fantasy and Philosophy in C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien (book by Richard L. Purtill)
A Tribute to J.R.R. Tolkien
JRR Tolkien Biography
The Halls of Tolkien
Valar Guild
Steuard’s Tolkien Pages
A Chronological Bibliography of the Writings of J.R.R. Tolkien
The World of JRR Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings and Philosophy: One Book to Rule Them All (book edited by Gregory Bassham and Eric Bronson)
— C. S. Lewis —
What About Charles Williams?: The Secret of the Enigmatic Inkling Revealed (Thomas Howard)
Heterodox Occultic Beliefs of Charles Williams (Crossroad website)
Review of Descent Into Hell (BrothersJudd.com)
Charles Williams, Poet of Theology (Glen Cavaliero)
Charles Williams (Contemporary writers in Christian perspective) (Mary McDermott Shideler)
Steps Toward Salvation: An Examination of Co-Inherence and Substitution in the Seven Novels of Charles Williams (American University Studies Series IV, English Language and Literature) (Dennis L. Weeks)
Charles Williams: An Exploration of His Life and Work (Alice Mary Hadfield)
The theology of romantic love: A study of the writings of Charles Williams (Mary McDermott Shideler)
The Pattern in the Web: The Mythical Poetry of Charles Williams (Roma Alvah, Jr. King)
The Magical World of Charles Williams (Gareth Knight)
Charles Williams: A Celebration (edited by by Brian Horne)
I do not think the resemblance between the Christian and the merely imaginative experience is accidental. I think that all things, in their way, reflect heavenly truth, the imagination not least.— C. S. Lewis —
The Harry Potter Controversy
All links updated: 5 January 2017.