Books by Dave Armstrong: “Justification: A Catholic Perspective”

Books by Dave Armstrong: “Justification: A Catholic Perspective” November 29, 2023

[completed on 8-30-23]

This is a book in which I debate Brazilian Calvinist Francisco Tourinho on one of the two “pillars” (as Protestants describe them) of the Protestant Revolt: justification by faith alone, or sola fide (the other being Scripture Alone or sola Scriptura as the rule of faith). Tourinho was a worthy opponent, we have established cordial and mutually respectful relations, and it was a pleasure to interact with him. I hope to debate him many more times. The exchange is to be published in Brazil (paperback and presumably e-books as well) in Portugese. I now present the English equivalent, and it is available for free in the links provided below. Enjoy!


Justification: A Catholic Perspective (vs. Francisco Tourinho) [6-22-22]

Reply to Francisco Tourinho on Justification: Round 2 (Pt. 1) [+ Part 2] [+ Part 3] [7-19-22]

Biblical Justification: vs. Francisco Tourinho (Round 3, Pt. 1) [10-20-22]

Justification: vs. Francisco Tourinho (Round 3, Pt. 2) [8-23-23]

Justification: vs. Francisco Tourinho (Rd. 3, Pt. 3) [8-30-23]



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Photo credit: John Calvin (1564: British) [public domain / Wikimedia Commons]

Summary: I debate Brazilian Calvinist Francisco Tourinho on one of the two “pillars” (as they are described) of the Protestant Revolt: justification by faith alone, or sola fide.

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