My Outlook & Goals During This Coronavirus Crisis

My Outlook & Goals During This Coronavirus Crisis March 24, 2020

[written yesterday on my Facebook page]


I will continue to be optimistic, faithful, hopeful, humorous, always grounded in Holy Scripture and the Holy Catholic Church and apostolic Tradition; seeking to put things in worldwide and historical perspective; while always seeking to be realistic about the true issues and dangers we are facing.

I will not be pessimistic, grumbling and complaining, running down Holy Mother Church or the Holy Father or bishops or priests (or local or national governments).

I will not be paranoid, hysterical, gossipy, apocalyptic, fanatical, or conspiratorial.

I will continue to present facts, as best they can be ascertained: including more “bright” forecasts in the scheme of things. Prediction is, by nature, an imperfect process, but the ones who have sunnier predictions have just as much “right” to make them (if they provide reasons) as the naysayers and temperamentally doom-and-gloomers. Don’t be fooled by the “100% of scientists think . . . ” routine and canard.

I will call out the reactionaries in particular who are trying to exploit the crisis for their own ends: whether it is yet more (endless) bashing of popes and bishops, or absurd speculations about God’s judgment, or (as I saw today), claims that bishops go against canon law in observing obviously necessary quarantine measures.

I will continue to do my writing and apologetics, as I always have (my life hasn’t changed that much): bringing you relevant material at no cost (though all donations are always appreciated).


Related Reading

US Coronavirus Deaths: Elderly with Preconditions [3-13-20]

The Bible on Germs, Sanitation, & Infectious Diseases [3-16-20]

Taylor Marshall: Pachamama “Idolatry” Judged by Coronavirus (Yet “Antichrist” Pope Francis Walks the Streets of Pandemic-Ravaged Rome Free of the Virus . . .) [3-17-20]

Alexander Tschugguel, Taylor Marshall, & God’s Wrath [3-19-20]

“Black Death” Mentality On Display at Patheos Catholic [3-26-20]

Dialogue: [Irrational?] Leftish Reactions to Coronavirus [3-27-20]

Dialogue on Leftish Reactions to Coronavirus, Part II [3-27-20]

Why Has Italy Suffered the Most from Coronavirus? (+ Reflections on the Propriety of Using the Term, “Chinese Flu” / Condemnation of Anti-Chinese Prejudice) [3-28-20]

Reply to Unfair Criticisms of Trump Re Coronavirus [4-4-20]

Coronavirus: Chris Ferrara vs. Science & Historical Precedent (Social Distancing Was Used in the 1918 Flu Pandemic and Has Been Shown Again and Again to be Highly Effective) [4-7-20]

Will US Coronavirus Deaths Be Far Less than Predicted? [4-7-20]


Photo credit: Mediamodifier (1-13-18) [PixabayPixabay License]


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