Patheos Featured Writers

duncan pile writer
Duncan Pile

Duncan Pile is a writer, author and speaker, living in Derbyshire, England with his wife and stepson. His mystical approach to faith straddles the Evangelical/Progressive divide, and flowing from lived experience, he is passionate about the deconstruction and reconstruction of the Christian faith.

Works by Duncan Pile
Is Jesus Truly God?
Duncan Pile | July 20, 2024
Jesus Not God? Unthinkable!
Duncan Pile | July 16, 2024
Among the progressive community, there are many who now believe that Jesus was just an......
Who Gets to Sit on Jesus’ Right and Left?
Duncan Pile | June 25, 2024
Why are Christians Scared of inclusion?
Duncan Pile | June 15, 2024
Telling the Hard Truth
Duncan Pile | June 10, 2024
Explore how telling hard truths and forgiving others brings healing and unity in our......
What Should Christian Parenting Look Like?
Duncan Pile | May 21, 2024
Separation From God is an Illusion
Duncan Pile | May 14, 2024
Parenting, in general, is a Christ-like duty....
Releasing Ourselves From Ego
Duncan Pile | April 25, 2024
Less of Me and More of You?
Duncan Pile | April 21, 2024
Is Deconstruction Necessary For All Believers?
Duncan Pile | April 09, 2024
Is Deconstruction Necessary?
Duncan Pile | April 09, 2024
The foundation for self-acceptance is the loving nature of God. If God is judgemental......
Christ is Risen
Duncan Pile | March 31, 2024
Is ‘Sin’ a List of Forbidden Activities?
Duncan Pile | March 23, 2024
The Rich Man and Lazarus – Parable or Story?
Duncan Pile | March 14, 2024
Rethinking Holiness - A Reconstruction of...
Duncan Pile | March 07, 2024
We have been exalted in Christ, but true worshippers still cast their crowns before him.......
Spiritual Discipline is Still Important
Duncan Pile | February 15, 2024
The Book of Job Part 3 – Job Calls God His Enemy
Duncan Pile | February 09, 2024
Is the Work of Christ Finished?
Duncan Pile | February 04, 2024
Explore the journey from rigid legalism to a life of grace and growth in Christ, finding......
Being Kind to Our Younger Selves
Duncan Pile | February 03, 2024
Was Jesus Really Crucified Instead of You?
Duncan Pile | January 08, 2024
Jesus didn’t just carry sin or pay for sin; He became sin. The perfect Lord of all, who......
God’s Favourite Track on His Favourite Album
Duncan Pile | January 05, 2024
Be Glorified in 2024!
Duncan Pile | December 31, 2023
Why Honour Marriage?
Duncan Pile | December 17, 2023
Real Reasons to Honor Marriage
Duncan Pile | December 13, 2023
Many going through deconstruction discard boxy ideas about marriage for good reason. But......
Father Forgive Them – They Know Not What They Do
Duncan Pile | December 13, 2023
Cell Phones – The Peril of Continual Distraction
Duncan Pile | December 09, 2023
Authentic Christians and Honest Heretics
Duncan Pile | November 13, 2023
The Wise Fire of Judgement
Duncan Pile | November 08, 2023
In the first five centuries, there were six known theological schools. Four of them......
What is Christian Mysticism?
Duncan Pile | November 06, 2023
Thought-police? No thanks!
Duncan Pile | October 29, 2023
Forget the End Times
Duncan Pile | October 17, 2023
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
Duncan Pile | October 09, 2023
How to Spot a Conspiracy Theory
Duncan Pile | October 08, 2023
Faith and Mental Health
Duncan Pile | October 06, 2023
The Interaction of Faith and Mental Health
Duncan Pile | October 06, 2023
The Art of Surrender
Duncan Pile | October 05, 2023
All aspects of personal growth are enabled by surrender. To fall in love, we must......
God is Everywhere, and Whirling!
Duncan Pile | September 29, 2023
Do Promises of Healing Apply to Mental Health?
Duncan Pile | September 20, 2023
Honouring Women of Faith
Duncan Pile | September 14, 2023
Honouring Role Model Women of Faith
Duncan Pile | September 14, 2023
Purging the Image of God
Duncan Pile | September 06, 2023
Explore the transformative journey of a Christological approach to understanding......
I’ve Changed My Mind About Contemporary Worship
Duncan Pile | September 05, 2023
Nurturing a Sense of Self
Duncan Pile | August 26, 2023
The Secret to Understanding the Bible
Duncan Pile | August 24, 2023
The Bible is a collection of historical writings, poems, letters, psalms, ponderings,......
The Dangers of Applying A Narrative
Duncan Pile | August 18, 2023
Male Headship is a Romance Killer
Duncan Pile | August 10, 2023
Challenging the notion of divine purpose in suffering, discover why embracing healing......
Inerrancy - A Shield Against Compassion
Duncan Pile | July 16, 2023
Inerrancy Enforces the Repression of Women
Duncan Pile | July 16, 2023
Sickness is Not in God’s Toolkit
Duncan Pile | July 12, 2023
The Idolatrous Doctrine of Inerrancy
Duncan Pile | July 08, 2023
Inclusion or Extinction? It’s Up to Us
Duncan Pile | June 21, 2023
How did Jesus Interpret Scripture?
Duncan Pile | June 17, 2023
How Did Jesus Interpret Scripture?
Duncan Pile | June 15, 2023
How Did Jesus Interpret Scripture?...
The Service of Jesus
Duncan Pile | June 08, 2023
The Oneness of Pentecost
Duncan Pile | May 28, 2023
The Oneness Flowing From Pentecost
Duncan Pile | May 28, 2023
Forgiveness Builds the Bridges Between Us
Duncan Pile | May 27, 2023
His Ways Are Higher
Duncan Pile | May 20, 2023
Isaiah 55 is a particularly beautiful and oft-quoted passage, but is its message well......
The Higher Ways of God
Duncan Pile | May 19, 2023
Do All Things Work Together for the Good?
Duncan Pile | May 14, 2023
Monarchy is for Peasants
Duncan Pile | May 06, 2023
Praying with Yoda
Duncan Pile | May 04, 2023
A Permanent State of Transition
Duncan Pile | April 29, 2023
A Permanent State of Transition
Duncan Pile | April 24, 2023
The only thing that is certain is change, dive into how to embrace it with the help of......
The Idolatry of Christian Nationalism
Duncan Pile | April 20, 2023
Lying for Jesus?
Duncan Pile | April 18, 2023
Did Not Our Hearts Burn Within Us?
Duncan Pile | April 10, 2023
Among the Scoffers?
Duncan Pile | April 08, 2023
The Trap of Easter Tradition
Duncan Pile | April 06, 2023
Battling Self-Doubt in the Wilderness
Duncan Pile | March 20, 2023
Jesus was as subject to vulnerability as any of us, and must have known self-doubt as......
The Sin of Exclusion
Duncan Pile | March 18, 2023
Which Mountain Do You Stand Upon?
Duncan Pile | March 12, 2023
Rethinking Being in Christ
Duncan Pile | February 26, 2023
Politicising the Asbury Revival
Duncan Pile | February 20, 2023
Don’t Judge the Asbury Revival
Duncan Pile | February 18, 2023
The Importance of Collective Emotion in Worship
Duncan Pile | February 13, 2023
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, There is Freedom
Duncan Pile | February 08, 2023
Where the Spirit of the Lord is There is Freedom...
The real problem with contemporary worship
Duncan Pile | January 30, 2023
The Importance of Emotion in Worship
Duncan Pile | January 14, 2023
Take the Fear Out of Faith
Duncan Pile | January 09, 2023
The worst consequence of fear is that it keeps us from the kind of closeness with God he......
If God Invited You to a Party
Duncan Pile | January 09, 2023
The Good Shepherd
Duncan Pile | January 05, 2023
Be it unto me according to thy word
Duncan Pile | December 17, 2022
The Good Shepherd
Duncan Pile | December 12, 2022
What is your image of God like? Do you feel confident asking for blessing or provision?......
The Demise of American Christianity
Duncan Pile | December 10, 2022
Loving the Other
Duncan Pile | November 15, 2022
Exercises in Self-Value: Escaping the Prison of...
Duncan Pile | November 11, 2022
How do you view competition? Many see it as a necessary, even fundamental part of life –......
Break free from self-imposed limitations
Duncan Pile | November 03, 2022
Break Free From Self-Imposed Limitations
Duncan Pile | November 01, 2022
Too often, Christians are told to embrace forms of suffering that we should seek to free......
Should the media cover faith?
Duncan Pile | October 23, 2022
Building Better Communities
Duncan Pile | September 15, 2022
Building Better Communities
Duncan Pile | September 12, 2022
Every church can make the choice to inject all they do with compassion and grace,......
Entering the Promised Land
Duncan Pile | September 02, 2022
Your circumstances are not guidance
Duncan Pile | August 29, 2022
The Basis of Respect
Duncan Pile | August 19, 2022
Entering the Promised Land
Duncan Pile | August 12, 2022
Much has been made of the metaphor of the Israelites’ journey from Egypt to Canaan, and......
The River of Life
Duncan Pile | August 09, 2022
Rethinking Glory
Duncan Pile | July 25, 2022
In Due Season
Duncan Pile | July 23, 2022
Rethinking Glory
Duncan Pile | July 21, 2022
Glory is a commonly used word, peppering worship songs, hymns, prayers, and colloquial......
Progressive or Evangelical?
Duncan Pile | June 28, 2022
Apologetics for The Status Quo
Duncan Pile | June 19, 2022
Those Wounds Yet Visible Above
Duncan Pile | June 14, 2022
The Lord Tests the Heart
Duncan Pile | June 10, 2022
The Lord Tests the Heart by Duncan Pile...
The Lord Tests the Heart
Duncan Pile | June 07, 2022
What is Lacking in Christ’s Suffering?
Duncan Pile | June 03, 2022
What does the Bible say about abortion?
Duncan Pile | May 31, 2022
The Problem of Persecution
Duncan Pile | May 27, 2022
Lean Hard Into That Rudder
Duncan Pile | May 21, 2022
Is Tithing a Christian Concept?
Duncan Pile | May 12, 2022
What is Humility?
Duncan Pile | May 07, 2022
What do you think of when you hear the word humility? What does it look like? How does......
Is God in Control?
Duncan Pile | April 23, 2022
Is God in Control?
Duncan Pile | April 15, 2022
We often hear that ‘God is in control’ as a kind of self-soothing mechanism. It can be......
Faith Teaching – Pitfall or Paradise?
Duncan Pile | April 09, 2022
The Choices That Steer Your Life
Duncan Pile | April 06, 2022
How Do You Judge God?
Duncan Pile | March 22, 2022
The Sin of Self-Judgement
Duncan Pile | March 18, 2022
Faith Teaching - Pitfall or Paradise?
Duncan Pile | March 17, 2022
At the age of 21 I was first exposed to faith teaching, and boy did I like what I heard.......
Rethinking Judgement
Duncan Pile | March 08, 2022
Should Christians Be Pacifists?
Duncan Pile | February 27, 2022
Sex and Marriage
Duncan Pile | February 12, 2022
Re-thinking Judgement: Part 3 – Judging God
Duncan Pile | February 03, 2022
There is nothing more important that our understanding of God. ...
Why I’m (Almost) a Universalist
Duncan Pile | January 25, 2022
The Connectedness of All Things
Duncan Pile | January 23, 2022
The Mythology of Cancel Culture
Duncan Pile | January 18, 2022
Why I Believe: Duncan Pile
Duncan Pile | January 13, 2022
In all that time, and in many challenging circumstances, he has never let me down. When......
Does the Devil Exist?
Duncan Pile | January 12, 2022
Dig Your Own Well
Duncan Pile | January 07, 2022
Rethinking Judgement — Part 2
Duncan Pile | January 07, 2022
Jesus goes before us in everything. He is our perfect example – including in his......
Making Resolutions That Work
Duncan Pile | December 30, 2021
Duncan Pile | December 24, 2021
The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom
Duncan Pile | December 21, 2021
Rethinking Judgement — Part 1
Duncan Pile | December 18, 2021
This article in a short series about judgement reveals how judging is the foundation of......
The Most Important Lesson My Father Taught Me
Duncan Pile | November 26, 2021
For the Avoidance of Dishonour
Duncan Pile | November 25, 2021
The Prayer God Can't Answer
Duncan Pile | November 23, 2021
The Problem is Calvinism – Why This Matters
Duncan Pile | November 19, 2021
The Problem is Calvinism - Part 4
Duncan Pile | November 16, 2021
The Problem is Calvinism – Part 3
Duncan Pile | November 11, 2021
The Problem is Calvinism - Part 2
Duncan Pile | November 10, 2021
The Problem is Calvinism - Part 1
Duncan Pile | November 06, 2021
Here's to the Atheists!
Duncan Pile | November 02, 2021
Let Your Kids Enjoy Halloween
Duncan Pile | October 29, 2021
Hold Me Closer Cosmic Dancer
Duncan Pile | October 27, 2021
Is Grace Available After Death?
Duncan Pile | October 01, 2021
The Beauty of Meditation
Duncan Pile | July 13, 2021
A Glimpse of Grace
Duncan Pile | July 10, 2021