Pope Francis Defended: Resources for Confused Folks

Pope Francis Defended: Resources for Confused Folks July 8, 2015
Pope Francis, 8-17-14 in South Korea [Wikimedia CommonsCreative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license]
See also my own articles: Replies to Critiques of Pope Francis [240 as of 9-27-24]

I wrote on 9-20-13:

For all of you out there worried about the pope. Relax; chill. All is well. We have a pope who says the unexpected: a lot like Jesus. And, like Jesus, those who don’t get it and are outside looking in, will misunderstand, and those who are in the fold will grasp what is being said, in the context of historic Catholic teaching, if they look closely enough and don’t get hoodwinked by silly media wishful thinking.

Those who are outside often hear only what they want to hear (God loves everyone, even sinners!!!) and not what they need to hear (stop sinning; stop this sin . . .).

I wrote in a letter to a friend:

It’s the same old dumb misunderstandings: media misreports what the pope said; never understand what he means in context, and in context with past teachings. Don’t fall into their trap! Pope Francis is a good Catholic; nothing to be alarmed about at all. The world wants Christians to renounce their teachings. We’re the guys who have never done so. We keep the same moral teaching that the Church had from the beginning: no abortion, no divorce, no contraception, no same-sex “marriages,” etc. Virtually no one else has done so! So the attack is against us to change traditional morality, and we will never do that.


1. Nine things you need to know about Pope Francis’s inaugural Mass (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 3-17-13)

2. Should We Be Concerned About Pope Francis’s Inaugural Mass? (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 3-18-13)

3. Pope Francis on Homosexual Unions (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 3-20-13)

4. Behind the Campaign to Smear the Pope (Mary Anastasia O’Grady, Crisis / The Wall Street Journal, 3-22-13)

5. How Should We Understand Pope Francis Washing Women’s Feet? (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 3-28-13)

6. Pope Francis, Foot-Washing, & Humility (Pete Vere & Dave Armstrong, Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 3-13-13 and 3-30-13)

7. Pope Francis and lying to save life  (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 5-15-13)

8. Dreadful Misleading Headline of Catholic Online Pins Heresy on Pope (Brian Kelly, Catholicism.org, 5-23-13)

9. Did Pope Francis Say That Atheists Can Get to Heaven by Good Works? (Jimmy Akin, JimmyAkin.com, 5-24-13)

10. Did Pope Francis poke Protestants in the eye? (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 6-4-13)

11. Seven things you need to know about what Pope Francis said about gays (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 7-29-13) 

12. Pope Francis and the Franciscan Friars (Michelle Arnold, Catholic Answers, 7-30-13)

13. Don’t Tell the Press: Pope Francis Is Using Them (Elizabeth Scalia, First Things, 7-30-13)

14. Franciscans of the Immaculate decree worries traditionalists (Catholic News Agency, 7-30-13)

15. On the Pope’s Remarks about Homosexuality (Scott P. Richert, Crisis, 8-1-13)

16. What Did the Pope Really Say about Gays in the Priesthood?  (Fr. Regis Scanlon, O.F.M. Cap., Crisis, 8-5-13)

17. Pope Francis Will Enliven the Benedict Legacy (Jeffrey Tucker, Crisis, 8-12-13)

18. What should we make of Pope Francis bowing when greeting people?  (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 8-30-13)

19. Is Pope Francis about to eliminate celibacy? (9 things to know and share) (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 9-12-13) 

20. What Pope Francis really said about atheists (Stephen Kokx, Catholic Vote, 9-13-13)

21. Did Pope Francis say atheists don’t need to believe in God to be saved? (9 things to know) (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 9-15-13)

22. Pope Francis Focuses on the Bigger Picture With New Interview (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register,  9-20-13)

23. Pope condemns abortion as product of ‘throwaway culture’ (Francis X. Rocca, Catholic News Service,

24. Francis Confounds the Associated Press (Elizabeth Scalia, The Anchoress, 9-20-13)

25. Francis and Benedict, Peter and John (Thomas L. McDonald, God and the Machine, 9-20-13)

26. Pope Francis and His Critics  (Scott P. Richert, Crisis, 9-23-13)

27. The Mission of Pope Francis, S. J. (Michelle Arnold, Catholic Answers, 9-23-13)

28. Report: Pope Excommunicates Priest for Supporting Gay Marriage, Female Priest (Dr. Susan Berry, Breitbart, 9-24-13)

29. The Papal Interview: A Survey of Reactions  (Joseph Meaney, Crisis, 9-25-13) 

30. Pope Francis and ‘The Interview’ (Abp. Charles Chaput, CatholicPhilly.com, 9-25-13)

31. Pope Francis: Every Unborn Child Has the Lord’s Face (Andrew M. Greenwell, Esq., Catholic Online, 9-26-13)

32. A Big Heart Open to God: The exclusive [complete] interview with Pope Francis (Antonio Spadaro, S. J., America, 9-30-13)

33. Did Pope Francis just say that evangelization is “nonsense”? 8 things to know and share  (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 10-1-13)

34. Is Pope Francis about to “rip up” the Vatican constitution? 12 things to know and share (Jimmy Akin,  National Catholic Register, 10-2-13)

35. The Pope’s Pro-Life Declaration “in Context”  (Dr. William Oddie, Crisis, 10-3-13)

36. Pope Francis’s new letter to homosexual Catholics (9 things to know and share)  (Jimmy Akin,  National Catholic Register, 10-11-13)

37. Is Pope Francis going to let the divorced and remarried receive Communion?  (Jimmy Akin,  National Catholic Register, 10-22-13)

38. Papal Style: Caring for Souls while Leaving Doctrinal Exposition to Others (Dr. William Oddie , Crisis, 11-19-13)

39. Pope’s words in interview may not have been his own, Scalfari says (Andrea Gagliarducci, Catholic News Agency,  11-21-13)

40. Only Fools RUSH in Where Angels Fear to Tread: Limbaugh Excoriates Pope Francis Unfairly (Fr. John Trigilio, 11-30-13)

41. Would Someone Just Shut That Pope Up? (Patrick J. Deneen, The American Conservative, 12-5-13; mostly about economics)

42. Pope Francis addresses Marxism charges, women cardinals in La Stampa interview (Catherine Harmon, The Catholic World Report, 12-15-13)

43. Pope Francis takes on allegations and rumors about his papacy: 9 things to know and share  (Jimmy Akin,  National Catholic Register, 12-15-13)

44. Pope Benedict Defends Francis on Markets and Ethics (Andrew M. Haines, 12-16-13, Ethika Politika)

45. Pope Francis on the “parable” of the loaves and fishes: 11 things to know and share  (Jimmy Akin,  National Catholic Register, 1-1-14)

46. Don’t fall for this Pope Francis hoax: 5 things to know and share (Jimmy Akin,  National Catholic Register, 1-2-14)

47. What did Pope Francis say about the children of homosexual couples? 8 things to know and share (Jimmy Akin,  National Catholic Register, 1-4-14)

48. Does Francis Really Have a Marxism Problem? (David Byrne, Crisis Magazine, 1-10-14)

49. Did Pope Francis baptize a baby whose parents aren’t married? 12 things to know and share (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 1-12-14)

50. Il Papa’s Not a Rollin’ Stone  (Christopher Manion, Crisis Magazine, 2-3-14)

51. The War on Pope Francis (M. Anthony Mills, Real Clear Religion, 2-3-14) [economics issues]

52. Quotes from Pope Francis [great website that notes the massive distortions and spin taking place about the pope; added on 2-8-14]

53. Judge Not (Tim Staples, Catholic Answers, 2-14-14) [Same-sex couples and homosexuality]

54. Did Pope Francis just diss apologists? 9 things to know and share (Jimmy Akin, 3-10-14)

55. Francis and Traditionalist Catholics (Alberto Carosa, The Catholic World Report,  3-12-14)

56. The Media’s Fictional Francis (John Paul Shimek, The Catholic World Report, 3-13-14)

57. Did Pope Francis tell a divorced and civilly remarried woman she could receive Holy Communion? (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 4-23-14)

58. Vatican responds to Francis’ call to Argentinian woman; more details emerge (Catherine Harmon, The Catholic World Report, 4-24-14)

59. Pope Francis: Zacchaeus and “legitimate redistribution” (Ed Morrissey, Hot Air, 5-9-14)

60. Breaking: Pope Francis is not an anarcho-capitalist (David Freddoso, Conservative Intelligence Briefing, 5-9-14)

61. Totally Missing the Pope Francis Story, Yet Again (Kathryn Jean Lopez , National Review Online, 5-9-14)

62. No scandal here: How the 20 couples married by Pope Francis were legit (Kevin Jones and Ann Schneible, Catholic News Agency, 9-15-14)

63. Sorry, But Media Coverage of Pope Francis is Papal Bull (Elizabeth Dias, Time,  10-29-14)

64. Is Pope Francis Duping Liberals on Marriage? (Paul Kengor, American Spectator, 11-21-14)

65. Pope Francis As Reformer, Evangelizer — And Doctrinal Conservative (National Public Radio; All Things Considered: review of The Great Reformer by Austin Ivereigh, 11-30-14)

66. What Hierarchy Really Means (By Eric Johnston, Crisis Magazine, 12-1-14)

67. The Pope’s True Agenda (William Doino, Jr., First Things, 12-1-14)

68. No, Pope Francis Did Not Call the Koran a “Prophetic Book of Peace” (Thomas L. McDonald, God and the Machine, 12-5-14)

69. Sorry, Fido. Pope Francis did Not say our pets are going to heaven (David Gibson, Religion News Service, 12-12-14)

70. Documentation: Pope Francis is Orthodox, Pro-Tradition and Against Modernism (Dan Marcum, Catholic Answers Forum, 1-9-15)

79. Is the Left’s Honeymoon with Pope Francis Finally Over? (Paul Kengor, Crisis Magazine, 2-17-15)

80. VIP treatment for LGBT group at the Vatican? Not really  (Andrea Gagliarducci, Catholic News Agency / EWTN News, 2-19-15)

81. Is Pope Francis’ Papacy a New Front for the Left? (Kate O’Hare, Breitbart, 1-3-14)

82.   The game changer nobody has noticed [Pope Francis’ closing remarks to the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops] (Joe Garcia, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, 10-21-14)

83. Here We Go Again or “Lousy English Translations, Pt. CCXVIII” (Joe Garcia, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, 11-26-13)

84. Pope Francis: An Agenda Behind his Back? (Andrea Gagliarducci, MondayVatican, 2-23-15)

85. Concerning Recent Reports from the Blogosphere on the State of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate (Fr. Angelo M. Geiger, Mary Victrix, 2-18-15)

86. Pope Francis Defends Human Nature Against Gender Radicals (Anne Hendershott, Crisis Magazine, 2-25-15)

87. Irish Liberals Have Second Thoughts on Pope Francis (John P. McCarthy, The Irish Echo, 2-25-15 / reprinted in Crisis Magazine, 3-2-15)

88. Can a Pope Be a Heretic? (Jacob W. Wood,  Crisis Magazine, 3-4-15)

89. Beware of the two faces of Pope Francis: he ain’t no liberal (Jemima Thackray [a liberal], The Telegraph, 1-22-15)

90. Notre Dame Prof Accuses Pope Francis of Being a Misogynist (Thomas P. Williams, Breitbart, 2-23-15)

91. Signs of Hope: The Benedict Bishop Bump (Thomas Peters, Catholic Vote, 3-4-15)

92. Foundless Francis Fantasies (Adam A. J. DeVille, The Catholic World Report, 3-6-15)

93. Demystifying the Pope Francis Enigma (Msgr. Hans Feichtinger, Crisis Magazine, 3-17-15)

94. Pope Francis ‘refuses’ gay French ambassador  (Henry Samuel, The Telegraph, 4-10-15)

95. Pope Francis: Removal of Differences Between Man and Woman Is the Problem, Not the Solution (Zenit, 4-15-15)

96. Pope Francis: Challenging and Humbling the Faithful (David Mills, Aleteia: Religion, 5-20-15)

97. I Am Not the Pope and Neither Are You (Constance T. Hull, Swimming the Depths, 5-27-15)

98. Did Pope Francis say it doesn’t matter what kind of Christian you are? 9 things to know (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 5-26-15)

99. Pope Francis: “Children have a ‘Right’ to a Mother and Father” (Paul Kengor, Crisis Magazine, 6-8-15)

100. Pope Francis simply doesn’t take sides (Dr. Jeff Mirus, CatholicCulture.org, 6-5-15)

101. Pope Francis and the Just Third Way (Michael D. Greaney, Homiletic & Pastoral Review, 6-13-15)

102. Draft of Environmental Encyclical Leaked! 12 Things to Know and Share (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 6-15-15)

103. Pope Francis’s Conservatism of Joy (Aaron Taylor, Ethika Politika, 6-22-15)

104. Fear Not, Faithful Catholics (Paul Kengor, Crisis Magazine, 6-25-15)

105. Pope Francis’s Puzzling Comments on Guns and War: The Clue to Understanding Laudato Si’ (Jennfer Fitz, Sticking the Corners, 6-22-15) 

106. A Prophetic Pope and the Tradition of Catholic Social Teaching (Fr. Robert Barron, Patheos, 7-14-15)

107. Pope Francis on Weapons: 12 things to know and share (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 6-27-15)

108. Pope Francis Against the World (Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig, New Republic, 7-30-15)
109. The Pope on Immigration: The Real Story (Tom Trinko, American Thinker, 8-17-15)
110. George Will’s Puerile Tantrum over Pope Francis (Paul E. Gottfried, Crisis Magazine, 9-25-15)
111. Is Pope Francis Really a Liberal? (Glen A. Sproviero, The Imaginative Conservative, 9-23-15)
112. Pope Francis on Intercommunion with Lutherans (Jimmy Akin, JimmyAkin.com, Nov. 2015)
113. The other side of the Francis effect: Hypersensitivity and hysteria? (Jeff Mirus, Catholic Culture,  12-1-15)

114. Trump, Clinton, and the Pope (Bill Donohue / Catholic League, 2-18-16)

115. Pope, Trump, and Immigration (Bill Donohue / Catholic League, 2-18-16)

116. Vatican: Pope Francis’ Comments About Donald Trump Not ‘Personal Attack or Instruction on How to Vote’ (Thomas D. Williams, Breitbart, 2-19-16)

117. Pope Francis Speaks on Hot-Button Issues: 9 Things to Know and Share (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 2-19-16)

118. Francis, Contraception, and the Zika Virus (Fr. Timothy V. Vaverek, The Catholic Thing, 2-25-16)

119. UK’s Mirror Incompetently Botches Easter Pope Story  (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 3-17-16)

120. Pope Francis’s New Document on Marriage: 12 Things to Know and Share (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 4-8-16)

121. Pope Francis Shatters Reformers’ Dreams with ‘Modern Family’ Document (Thomas D. Williams, Breitbart, 4-8-16) 

122. Interpreting Amoris Laetitia ‘through the lens of Catholic tradition’ (Andrea Gagliarducci, Catholic News Agency, 4-8-16)

123. First Thoughts on “Amoris Laetitia” (Bishop Robert Barron, Aleteia, 4-8-16)

124. “True Innovations but Not Ruptures”: Cardinal Christoph Schönborn Presents “Amoris Laetitia” (Diane Montagna, Aleteia, 4-8-16)

125. Pope Affirms Traditional Marriage (Bill Donohue, Newsmax, 4-8-16)

126. Pope Francis’s revolution has been cancelled (Damian Thompson, The Spectator, 4-8-16)

127. Pope Francis on love in the family (Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, CatholicPhilly.com, 4-14-16)

128. Pope Francis is a social conservative (Tim Stanley, The Telegraph, 4-18-16)

129. Amoris Laetitia and the Progressive Pope Myth (Anthony S. Layne, Catholic Stand, 4-23-16)

130. Cardinal Müller: Magisterium on Remarried Divorcees Unchanged by Amoris Laetitia [cites precedent in both Pope St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI] (Edward Pentin, National Catholic Register, 5-4-16)

131. Cardinal Müller: Amoris Laetitia is in line with previous teaching on Communion (Catholic Herald, 5-4-16)

132. The Bitter Sons Speak of Francis (David Mills, Ethika Politica, 11-3-15) 

133. Defend Him Against All Hazards: Newman on the Pope (David Mills, 10-24-14)

134. Pope Francis on Apologizing to Gays (And More): 6 things to know and share (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 6-28-16)

135. Pope Francis Condemned The Reform Of The Reform? Not Quite… (Jeff Ostrowski, Views from the Choir Loft, 2-23-15)

136. Framing the bottom line on opposition to Pope Francis (John L. Allen Jr., Crux, 7-17-16)

137. Pope okays Argentine doc on Communion for divorced and remarried (Inés San Martín, Crux, 9-12-16)

138. What Pope Francis said about Communion for the divorced-and-remarried (Catholic News Agency, 9-13-16)

139. Not heretical: Pope Francis’ approval of the Argentine bishops’ policy on invalid marriages (Dr. Jeff Mirus, Catholic Culture, 9-15-16)

140. How Pope Francis’ ‘new joy’ surprised Benedict XVI (Catholic News Agency, 9-12-16) [“Pope emeritus Benedict XVI has said he is satisfied with the papacy of Pope Francis . . . he sees ‘no breach anywhere’ between his pontificate and that of his successor. ‘New accents yes, but no contradictions,’ . . .”]

141. Pope Francis on “Proselytism” (Jimmy Akin, Catholic Answers blog, 10-21-13)

142. Cardinal Schönborn: Pope Francis follows John Paul II’s teaching on communion (Catholic Herald, 4-8-16)

143. Is Pope Francis a Heretic? (+ Part II) (Tim Staples, Catholic Answers blog, October 3-4, 2016)

144. Amoris Laetitia – An Apologia for its Orthodoxy (Scott Smith, Reduced Culpability, 1-19-17)

145. Vatican’s Muller: No Communion For Divorced, Remarried — Not Even a Pope Can Change This (Michael W. Chapman, CNS News, 2-1-17)

146. Cardinal Müller, German bishops clash on interpretation of Amoris Laetitia (Catholic World News, 2-1-17)

147. Cardinal Müller: Communion for the remarried is against God’s law (Catholic Herald, 2-1-17)

148. Does Amoris Laetitia 303 Really Undermine Catholic Moral Teaching? (Robert Fastiggi & Dawn Eden Goldstein, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 9-26-17)

149. The document against the Pope’s “heresies”: it happened to Wojtyla too (Andrea Tornielli, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 9-27-17)

150. ‘Filial correction’ of pope marked by glaring hypocrisy, risible accusations (Stephen Walford, National Catholic Reporter, 9-28-17)

151. Cardinal Müller Speaks Out on ‘Amoris Laetitia,’ the Dubia and the Vatican [see highlighted passages about desired replies from the pope, and the need for dialogue, on Facebook] (Edward Pentin, National Catholic Register, 9-28-17)

152. Dr. Robert Fastiggi Defends Amoris Laetitia Against Critics (hosted at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 10-3-17)

153. Defending Pope Francis (Amoris Laetitia) [+ Part Two] (Tim Staples, unknown date)

154. Donum Veritatis illegitimatizes the Filial Correction (Emmet O’Regan, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 10-3-17) 

155. Critics of Amoris laetitia ignore Ratzinger’s rules for faithful theological discourse (Robert Fastiggi & Dawn Eden Goldstein,  La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 10-4-17)

156. “The correctio? The method is incorrect: they do not discuss, they condemn” [Dr. Rocco Buttiglione] (Andrea Tornielli, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 10-5-17)

157. Dr. Fastiggi & Dr. Goldstein Debate Dr. Shaw Regarding Pope Francis (hosted at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 10-9-17)

158. Dr. Fastiggi Replies to Dr. Brugger Regarding Amoris Laetitia (hosted at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 10-12-17)

159. Dr. Fastiggi’s “Exchange” with Correctio Signatory Chris Ferrara (hosted at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 10-12-17)

160. Recent Comments of Pope Francis Should Help to Quiet Papal Critics (Robert Fastiggi, La StampaVatican Insider, 11-28-17)

161. Pastoral Charity is the Key to Pope Francis’s Endorsement of the Buenos Aires Bishops’ Document (Robert Fastiggi, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 11-28-17)

162. No, Pope Francis Is Not Changing the Lord’s Prayer (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 12-11-17)

163. The Heretical Pope Fallacy (Emmet O’Regan, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 11-12-17)

164. “The approach a Pope takes is not what destroys the Church” (Andrés Beltramo Álvarez, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 12-23-17)

165. Vatican “Awards” for Abortion Activists? (Facebook discussion, featuring Paul Hoffer, 1-18-18)

166. Canon Law, Pope Francis, and Airplane Weddings [+ Part Two] (Pete Vere, Facebook, 1-19-18)

167. Pope Francis explains why he celebrated the airborne marriage of two flight attendants [+ Facebook discussion] (Nicole Winfield, America, 1-22-18)

168. Striking God’s Anointed One (Mark Mallett, The Now Word, 1-18-18)

169. Articles on Pope Francis and Sex Abuse Scandals in Chile (one / two / three / four / five) (2-18-18)

170. Development or Corruption? (Gerhard Cardinal Müller, First Things, 2-20-18)

171. Responding to the Five Dubia from Amoris Laetitia Itself (Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Vatican Insider / La Stampa3-9-18)

172. Ratzinger, “Francis with no theological formation? A foolish prejudice” (Andrea Tornielli, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 3-12-18)

173. Douthat’s Francis book is poorly sourced, inadequate journalism (Michael Sean Winters, National Catholic Reporter, 3-21-18)
174. On Charging a Pope with Heresy (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 5-2-19)
175.  Some Clarifications Regarding the Open Letter (Jimmy Akin, JimmyAkin.com, 5-3-19)
176.  A Response to Peter Kwasniewski (Jimmy Akin, JimmyAkin.com, 5-4-19)
177.  A Second Response to Peter Kwasniewski (Jimmy Akin, JimmyAkin.com, 5-5-19)
178. Pope Francis On . . . [31 different issues] (Mark Mallett, The Now Word, 4-24-18)
179. Pope Francis: Our Father Should Say “Abandon Us Not When in Temptation” (Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC, Through Catholic Lenses, 12-11-18)
180. The Politically Incorrect Francis—14 Shocking Statements (Paul Kengor, Crisis Magazine, 3-22-19)
181. Cardinal Sarah: To oppose the pope is to be outside the church (Cindy Wooden, National Catholic Reporter, 10-9-19)
182. Clarity is Next to Godliness [atheist mythicist Scalfari claimed that Pope Francis denied Jesus’ divinity . . .] (Jimmy Akin, Catholic Answers Magazine, 10-10-19) 
183. Paganism in the Vatican? Hermeneutic of suspicion at its peak (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 10-16-19) 
184. Our Lady of the Amazon, Pray for Us (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 10-16-19) 
185. Our Lady of the Amazon: solving the contradictions (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 10-26-19) 

186. Pachamama, Celibacy, and the Amazonian Synod (Trent Horn, Catholic Answers, 10-23-19; audio with transcript)

187. Synod offers cautious support for married priests, study of women deacons (Inés San Martín and Christopher White, Crux, 10-26-19)
189. Just the Facts: the Amazon Synod (Jimmy Akin, Catholic Answers, 10-29-19)
190. What Did Pope Francis Really Say About Married Priests? (Fr. Charles Grondin, Catholic Answers, c. 10-30-19)
193. Pachamama: Is It A Gotcha Mama for Enemies of Pope Francis? (“Catholic in Brooklyn”, 11-6-19)
194. Pachamama – the missing piece of the puzzle (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 11-10-19)
195. The Pachamama Primer (Dom Cornelius, Abbaye de Saint-Cyran, 10-27-19)
196. Conservatism and Fideism: My answer to Ross Douthat (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 11-13-19)
197. St. John Paul II: ‘Respect for life extends to the rest of creation’[Pope Francis was not the first to address environmentalism and ecology] (Deacon Greg Kandra, The Deacon’s Bench, 11-18-19)
198. It was clearly idolatry! [“Pachamama” controversy] (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 12-1-19)
199. Fr. Pacwa and divine signs [“Pachamama” controversy] (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 12-16-19)
200. Is “Mother Earth” a Catholic Concept (Church Fathers)? (Rosemarie Scott, hosted at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 12-17-19)
201. Our Lady of the Amazon – 2018 Video Footage Emerges (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 10-17-19)
202. Pope Francis and Mary Co-Redemptrix (Robert Fastiggi, Where Peter Is, 12-27-19)
203. Francis: Evangelize by Example, not Pushing Your Faith on Others (Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, Through Catholic Lenses, 12-23-19)
204. On yanking and slapping hands (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 1-1-20)
205. On the Church in China (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 2-13-18)
206. Perspective on the China/Vatican deal (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 9-30-18)
207. China’s “other” cardinal (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 3-18-19)
208. The infallibly erring Pope (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 1-3-20)
209. Cardinal Burke’s Contradictory and Tenuous Position (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 1-6-20)
210. Benedict kept his word (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 1-14-20)
211. Pope Francis and the coredemptive role of Mary, the “Woman of salvation” (Mark Miravalle & Robert Fastiggi, La Stampa, 1-8-20)
212. Making things right [hand-slapping incident: see #407, 409] (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 2-5-20)
213. 8 Questions (and Answers) About the Pope’s New Document [Querida Amazonia] (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 2-12-20)
215. Dr. Fastiggi: Open Letter Re Abp. Viganò, Pope Francis, & Mary (hosted at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 2-22-20)
216. Dr. Fastiggi Defends Pope Francis Re “Pachamama Idolatry” (hosted at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 3-3-20)
217. Pope Francis, the Corona Virus, and Nature (Jimmy Akin, JimmyAkin.com, 4-8-20)
218. Criticizing the Critics (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 4-2-20)
219. Is Archbishop Viganò in Schism? (Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Where Peter Is, 6-13-20)
220. Silence according to Pope Francis (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 12-5-18)
221. Silence: the shield against Suspicious Man (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 12-10-18)
222. Why the Vatican is silent on Viganò (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 7-7-20)
223. Pope Francis: Don’t be afraid that God has allowed different religions in the world (Carol Glatz, America, Catholic News Service, 4-3-19)
225. Vigano: Radical Traditionalism Redivivus (Adam Rasmussen, Where Peter Is, 7-13-20)
226. Exposing Viganò’s spurious theory of two councils (Adam Rasmussen, Where Peter Is, 7-14-20)
227. The “Fake News” of Viganò and Company. Unmasked by a Cardinal [Cdl. Walter Brandmüller corrects the errors of Abp. Vigano and Bp. Schneider regarding the councils of Constance and Florence] (Sandro Magister, L’Espresso, 7-13-20)
229. Dr. Peters’ deer & hunter: death penalty & the inversion of roles” (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 4-12-20)
230. The inanity of CTRL-F criticism [i.e., searching papal documents for key words & trying to “prove” they “aren’t Catholic”] (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 10-9-20)
231. Simply Inadmissible [regarding capital punishment & Pope Francis’ use of this term] (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 5-21-20)
232. Pope Francis and Civil Unions: Critical Context (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 10-22-20)
233. Those Pope Francis quotes: Video editing and media controversy” [same-sex unions controversy] (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 10-22-20)
234. Pope Francis’s Words on Civil Unions Distorted by Editing (Fr. Matthew Schneider, Through Catholic Lenses, 10-22-20)
235. Has Pope Francis changed Church teaching on same-sex civil unions? (Dawn Eden Goldstein & Robert Fastiggi, Where Peter Is, 10-22-20)
236. Full Text Proves Francis Meant Civil Unions INSTEAD OF “Gay Marriage” (Fr. Matthew Schneider, Through Catholic Lenses, 10-24-20)
238. Nuncio Further Clarifies Pope on Civil Unions (Fr. Matthew Schneider, Through Catholic Lenses, 11-5-20)
239. Which God’s Will?[Re: Diversity of Religions] (Dr. Randall B. Smith, The Catholic World Report, 11-15-19)
240. Pope Francis and Papal Authority under Attack (Dr. Robert Fastiggi, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 2-18-19)
241. Bellarmine, Taylor Marshall, and Ryan Grant on Papal Faith (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 8-1-20)
242. Vatican I taught that no Pope can teach heresy or be a heretic (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 7-23-20)
243. Dear 1Peter5, Your Claims about Gasser and Pighius are False (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 7-23-20)
244. Bishop Vincent Gasser to the fathers of Vatican I on papal faith (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 10-23-20)
245. The Errors of John Salza and Robert Siscoe on the Papacy (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 8-22-20)
246. Fr. Iannuzzi asks Can a Pope Become a Heretic? (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 3-22-17)
247. How the Canonization of Three Popes by Pope Francis utterly defeated the Papal Accusers (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 8-16-20)
248. The Argument from Past Papal Error is not Valid (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 8-13-20)
249. The Crypto-Schismatic Position called “Recognize and Resist” (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 8-8-20)
250. Is Taylor Marshall a sedevacantist? Yes. (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 7-31-20)
251. Reply to Carlo Vigano on Fratelli Tutti (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 10-7-20)
252. Every Papal Teaching is Free From Every Grave Error (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 10-8-20)
253. If Pope Francis is a heretic, how is he still Pope? (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 10-7-20)
254. Pope Pius IX Syllabus of Errors and Freedom of Religion (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 10-12-20)
255. Can a Pope intend to cause a Schism? (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 10-23-20)
256. Contra Raymond Leo Burke on Civil Unions (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 10-23-20)
258. Has Pope Francis changed Church’s doctrine on Homosexuality? (Francis Figuero, The Reproach of Christ, 10-22-20)
259. Every Roman Pontiff is Indefectible (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 12-29-16)
260. Summary of “The Indefectibility of the Roman Pontiff” (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., Catholicism.io, 4-30-19)
261. The Innocence of Pope Honorius (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 10-18-20)
262. In Defense of Pope Honorius (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., Catholicism.io, 5-15-19)
263. Was Pope Honorius I a heretic? (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 9-17-16)
264Popes Francis, Vigilius, Paul IV, and Ex Apostolatus Officio (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 12-19-19)
265. The Innocence of Pope John XXII (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 5-3-19)
266. The Heretical Pope Fallacy (Emmett O’Regan, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 12-11-17)
267. Dr. Fastiggi on Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis, & Aquinas (Dr. Robert Fastiggi & Dave Armstrong; hosted on Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 2-1-21)
268. Father Z, Challenge Accepted (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 3-5-21)
269. I was not an ultramontanist then (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 3-5-21)
270. Papal Indefectibility: Dr. Fastiggi vs. Fr. Z (hosted on Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 3-11-21)
271. Can a Pope Become a Heretic? (Rev. Joseph L. Ianuzzi, STD, Ph.D)
272. The Roman Pontiff: Immunity from Error and Never-failing Faith (collection of Catholic sources; compiled by Ronald L. Conte, Jr.)
275. Traditionis Custodes: The Council and the Roman Rite (Adam Rasmussen, Where Peter Is, 7-16-21)
276. Traditionis Custodes: In the Hope of Liturgical Reform (Daniel Amiri, Where Peter Is, 7-17-21)
277. Et Cum Spiritu NoNo–The Demise of the Traditional Latin Mass Experiment (Monsignor Eric Barr, Thin Places, 7-17-21)
278. Francis: The Pope We Need (Monsignor Eric Barr, Thin Places, 11-9-19)
279. The modernist root of radical traditionalism (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 7-14-21)
280. Pope Francis understands Fr. Martin—Do we? (Rachel Amiri, Where Peter Is, 7-2-21)
281Pope Francis’s Changes to the Latin Mass (Catholic Answers, 7-20-21)
282. Traditionalism’s flawed approach to the Magisterium (Adam Rasmussen, Catholic Outlook, 1-19-21)
283. Is Traditionis Custodes an Abuse of Papal Authority? (Michael Lofton, Reason & Theology, 8-17-21)
284. Did the Pope Say the Commandments are Relative? (Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC, Through Catholic Lenses, 8-19-21)
286. A Catholic moral panic, two years on [Pachamama] (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 10-24-21)
287. Aquinas: Some Sins Worse Than Sexual Sins (Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC, 12-10-21)
289. Does Cardinal Burke think Francis is an antipope? (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 10-18-21)
290.  Does Amoris Laetitia untie the knots in Veritatis Splendor? (Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 7-4-22)
291. Amoris, Veritatis, and things left unsaid (Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 7-22-22)
292. Dr. Brugger and Papal Authority [contraception and Amoris Laetitia] (Robert Fastiggi, Where Peter Is, 8-12-22)
293. Does Pope Francis Contradict The Council of Trent? [Desiderio Desideravi] (Robert Fastiggi, Where Peter Is, 9-17-22)
295. Our Mother Mary & “Mother Earth” (Rosemarie Scott) (Rosemarie Scott, hosted at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 4-4-23)
296. Pope Francis upholds Catholic ban on contraception (Simon Caldwell, Catholic Herald, 5-2-23)
297. Capital Punishment and Magisterial Authority (+ Part 2, Part 3, Part 4) (Robert Fastiggi, Where Peter Is, 8-17-23)
298. 5 Things to Know About the Pope, St. Vincent of Lérins and Doctrinal Development [related to the pope’s statements on the death penalty] (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 8-31-23)
299. Unofficial translation of pope’s response to Dubia 2.0 (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 10-2-23)
300. Blessings undisguised: Debunking disinfo on Francis and gay unions (Dawn Eden Goldstein, Where Peter Is, 10-8-23)
301. The ‘Hyperpapalist’ Straw Man (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 11-13-23)
302. Cardinal Gerhard Muller on Papal Authority over Bishops (Ron Conte, The Reproach of Christ, 9-21-23)
303. Cardinal Müller and the Destruction of the Church (Rachel Amiri, Where Peter Is, 10-11-22)
306. Pope Francis Does Not Support Homosexual Unions That Mimic Marriage (Tim Staples, Oct.? 2023)
Papal Consistency on Same-sex Blessings (Deacon Tracy Jamison, Where Peter Is, 10-18-23)
309. What Pope Francis said about Cardinal Burke (Austin Ivereigh, Where Peter Is, 11-29-23)
310. Strickland, Voris, and Burke: The November Three (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 12-1-23)
311. “Despite everything, always blessed” [blessings for homosexuals] (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 12-18-23)
312. Catechism on the New Gay Blessings Document (by a “very holy priest” & Michael Lofton, Reason & Theology, 12-19-23)
313. Demystifying ‘Fiducia Supplicans’: Answering 7 Frequently Asked Questions [blessings for homosexuals] (Pedro Gabriel, The City & the World, 12-20-23)
314. If Social Media Was Around in Christ’s Day [satire] (anon. priest, Reason & Theology, 12-20-23)
315. Blessings: A pastoral development anchored in tradition (Rocco Buttiglione, Vatican News, 12-20-23)
316. Does The Catholic Church Now Allow Same-Sex Unions? (Fr. Pablo Migone, Labyrinthine Mind, 12-21-23)
318. Clarity in Confusion: An Approach to “Fiducia Supplicans” (Dr. Richard DeClue, Word on Fire, 12-21-23)
319. Criticism of Fiducia Supplicans: Confusion or spoiled milk? (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 12-27-23)
322. Honestly confused over “couples” and “unions”? (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 12-28-23)
323. Pope OKs blessing persons in gay unions: What it means, why it matters (Dawn Eden Goldstein, Where Peter Is, 12-19-23)
326. Vatican responds to widespread backlash on same-sex blessing directive (Courtney Mares, Catholic News Agency, 1-3-24)
327. Response to Cardinal Müller’s essay on Fiducia Supplicans (Jake Hardin, Where Peter Is, 1-3-24)
328. President of Argentine Bishops on Same-sex blessings (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 12-31-23)
329. Always with the Pope (Rodrigo Guerra, Where Peter Is, 1-9-24)
331. Theologian Robert Fastiggi On Papal Indefectibility (hosted at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 3-11-24)
332. Bishop Strickland’s flirtation with sedevacantism (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 5-5-24)
333. Pope Francis’ Many ‘Paths to God’—Still Catholic! (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, The City and the World, 9-18-24)
335. What Did Pope Francis Say About Other Religions? (Jimmy Akin with Lila Rose, 46-minute video, 9-25-24) 
336. Is Pope Francis a Heretic? (Take number 7… and… Action!) [Catholicism & Other Religions] (Andrew Likoudis, Nature + Grace, 9-27-24)
338. Cd. Zen Questions Synods, But Is Change Really Happening? (Pedro Gabriel, The City and the World, 11-11-24)
* * * * *
Last updated 11 November 2024




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