Catholic Salvation: 1871 Bible Passages

Catholic Salvation: 1871 Bible Passages December 27, 2024

Photo credit: self-designed cover of my self-published book (2010).


“Faith Alone” Error

Bible vs. “Faith Alone”: 100 Proofs (100 Bible Passages On Catholic Justification, Sanctification, and Faith + Works [from 22 out of 27 NT Books]: All Disproving Protestant “Faith Alone” Soteriology) [10-8-24]

Final Judgment & Works (Not Faith): 50 Passages [2-10-08]

Banzoli’s 45 “Faith Alone” Passages; My 200 Biblical Disproofs [6-16-22]

Sanctification / Infused Justification

Transformation of Believers in the NT: 150 Passages (Regeneration is Only the Beginning . . .) [12-16-24]

“Blameless” & “Pure” in the Bible (Sinless?): 40 Passages [12-12-24]

Biblical “Power”: Proof of Infused (Catholic) Justification [12 passages] [3-14-11]

St. Paul’s Use of the Term “Gift” & Infused Justification [19 passages] [2013]

Merit / Faith & Works

Meritorious Works: 50 Biblical Proofs [10-4-24]

Salvation Caused by Actions: 80 Bible Passages (. . . Proving That “Faith Alone” is a False Doctrine) [10-5-24]

St. Paul on Grace, Faith, & Works (50 Passages) [8-6-08]

Perfectly Keeping the Law: 15 Bible Passages [12-12-24]


“Please Hit ‘Subscribe’”! If you have received benefit from this or any of my other 5,000+ articles, please follow my blog by signing up (with your email address) on the sidebar to the right (you may have to scroll down a bit), above where there is an icon bar, “Sign Me Up!”: to receive notice when I post a new blog article. This is the equivalent of subscribing to a YouTube channel. My blog was rated #1 for Christian sites by leading AI tool, ChatGPT: endorsed by influential Protestant blogger Adrian Warnock. Actually, I partner with Kenny Burchard on the YouTube channel, Catholic Bible Highlights. Please subscribe there, too! Please also consider following me on Twitter / X and purchasing one or more of my 55 books. All of this helps me get more exposure, and (however little!) more income for my full-time apologetics work. Thanks so much and happy reading!


Baptismal Regeneration

14 Bible Verses That Show We’re Saved Through Baptism [National Catholic Register, 11-30-21]

Salvation as a Process

Salvation as a Process: 75 NT Passages [11-16-24]

Abraham: Justified Twice by Works & Once by Faith [8-30-23]

Falling Away (Apostasy)

Falling Away (Apostasy): 150 Biblical Passages (+ Catalogue of Sixty Traits That Apostates Formerly Possessed When They Were in God’s Good Graces) [11-19-24]

Universal Atonement

Limited Atonement Biblical Arguments Refuted (33 NT Passages Against Limited Atonement and in Favor of Universal Atonement) [11-21-24]

Old Testament Precursors

Isaiah’s Catholic & UnProtestant Soteriology [45 passages] [8-1-23]

Jeremiah’s Catholic & Very UnProtestant Soteriology [44 passages] [7-31-23]

Minor Prophets: Their Theology of Salvation [107 passages] [8-2-23]

Salvation and Eternal Afterlife in the Old Testament [26 passages] [8-31-19]

Synergy / Free Cooperation with God

God’s “Fellow Workers” Help Spread Salvation & Grace (We “Impart Grace”, “Save” Others, Win Souls, Help Them “Obtain Salvation”, Etc., In Our “Work of the Lord”) [55 passages] [10-29-21]

Scripture on Being Co-Workers with God for Salvation [72 passages] [2013]

Salvation by Grace Alone and Justification by Faith / General Soteriology

Bible on Faith / Belief, etc. “Alone” [?] for Salvation (Fifty Bible Passages Stress Faith or Belief, Regarding the Question of Salvation, Compared to a Hundred that Emphasize or Highlight Works) [10-11-24]

Salvation: By Grace Alone, Not Faith Alone or Works [19 passages] [2013]

Bible on the Nature of Saving Faith (Including Assent, Trust, Hope, Works, Obedience, and Sanctification) [380 passages] [1-21-10]

Salvation and Justification in the Gospels and Acts [21 passages] [1996]

Personal Relationship with Jesus

Biblical Evidence: Personal Relationship with Jesus [14 passages] [2013; expanded on 1-18-19]


Related Reading

What is the Gospel? Catholic-Protestant Agreement  [12-3-96 and 1-4-97]

Gospel: Defined by the Earliest Christian Preaching [January 1988; rev. 7-8-02]

What is the Gospel? (The Actual Biblical Definition) [Facebook, 11-23-24]

Explicit Biblical Instruction on Saving Souls [1-24-22]

Baptismal Regeneration and Justification (vs. Jason Engwer) [6-4-20]


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PayPal donations are the easiest: just send to my email address: [email protected]. Here’s also a second page to get to PayPal. You’ll see the term “Catholic Used Book Service”, which is my old side-business. To learn about the different methods of contributing (including Zelle), see my page: About Catholic Apologist Dave Armstrong / Donation InformationThanks a million from the bottom of my heart!


Photo credit: self-designed cover of my self-published book (2010). 

Summary: 1871 Bible passages compiled from existing articles, supporting biblical Catholic salvation (infused justification, etc.) and refuting false views like faith alone and eternal security.

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