. . . Including the Original (Much Longer) 1994 Version of A Biblical Defense of Catholicism
Introduction: The Unthinkable Inquiry [developed into the present Introduction (link) ]
1. Anti-Catholicism: The Curse of “Papists” [originally 25 January 1991, with three later slight revisions; now included in two papers: Classic Anti-Catholic Polemicists (Chick, Boettner, & Hislop) / Anti-Catholicism: Classic Catholic Replies and Retorts] [see the original chapter]
2. Sola Scriptura: Is Christian Tradition Irrelevant? [developed into the present Chapter One; 14 September 1992; now partially included in the papers: Classic Reflections on Tradition, Sola Scriptura, & the Canon / The New Testament Canon & Historical Processes [rev. 1996] / “Apocrypha”: Why It’s Part of the Bible [rev. 1996] ] [see complete chapter: 1996 version]
3. Protestantism: Conceptual and Developmental Errors [online paper; originally 20 June 1991; now broken up into many papers: The Dichotomous Nature of Protestant Thought [Facebook] / Protestantism as the Root Cause of Secularization [Facebook] / Protestantism: Compromising & Liberalizing Tendency / Pragmatism: Protestant Self-Critique Number One / Worldliness & Compromise: Protestant Self-Critique #2 / Materialism & Narcissism: Protestant Self-Critique #3 / Catholicism is the Ultimate Fulfillment of Protestantism (Bouyer and Chesterton) [Facebook] ] [see the original chapter]
4. Martin Luther: Beyond Mythology to Historical Fact [14 January 1991; was once posted as an online paper, but eventually taken down, as I learned more and more about Luther and honed or revised several of my opinions; portions of it in some form made it into various other later papers]
5. The Protestant Revolt: Its Tragedy and Initial Impact [originally 11 June 1991; broken up into these present papers: Protestant Revolt Was Largely Politically Motivated / Early Protestant Antipathy Towards Art (+ Iconoclasm) / Astonishing Hostility to Higher Education in Early Protestantism / Early Protestant Hostility Towards Science [rev. 7-9-04] ] [see the original chapter]
6. Intolerance and Persecution: The “Reformation” Record [originally 3 June 1991; now online as: Protestant Inquisitions: “Reformation” Intolerance & Persecution [rev. 10-31-03, 3-7-07, 9-14-17] ]
7. The Development of Doctrine: From Acorn to Oak Tree [present Chapter Three; originally 17 February 1991; see “Reflections” portion] [see complete chapter: 1996 version]
8. The Eucharist and Sacrifice of the Mass: “This is My Body” [present Chapters Four and Five; originally 8 March 1992; see: Reflections on the Holy Eucharist & Transubstantiation / The Eucharist, Incarnation, and Reason: Reflections / The Sacrifice of the Mass: Classic Catholic Reflections / Transubstantiation: A Philosophical & Rational Defense [1996 revision] ] [see complete Eucharist chapter: 1996 version] [see complete Sacrifice of the Mass chapter: 1996 version]
9. Sola Fide: Is Luther’s Justification Justifiable? [present Chapter Two; 4 April 1994; see: Justification: Classic Catholic & Protestant Reflections / Luther and the Origin & Nature of “Instant” Salvation / Salvation and Justification in the Gospels and Acts [1996 version] / St. Paul on Justification, Sanctification, & Salvation [1996 version] ] [see complete chapter: 1996 version]
10. Penance, Purgatory, and Indulgences: “Saved As By Fire” [present Chapters Seven and Eight; 21 April 1994; see: Classic Catholic Reflections on Purgatory / Classic Catholic Reflections on Penance / Classic Catholic Reflections on Indulgences / 25 Bible Passages on Purgatory [1996 version] / Biblical Evidence for Indulgences [1996 version] / Lenten Meditation: NT Teaching on Suffering with Christ [1996 version] ] [see complete Purgatory chapter: 1996 version] [see complete Penance chapter: 1996 version]
11. The Communion of Saints: “. . . All Who Are in Christ” [present Chapter Six; originally 17 February 1991; revised and expanded in Dec. 1993; see Classic Reflections on the Communion of Saints] [see complete chapter: 1996 version]
12. The Blessed Virgin Mary: “Hail Mary, Full of Grace” [present Chapter Nine; 10 April 1993, after the first version was completely wiped out on my computer; see: Reflections on Mary: Preliminaries & Devotional Excesses / Immaculate Conception of Mary (Classic Catholic Commentary) / Reflections on the Spiritual Motherhood & Mediation of Mary / Blessed Virgin Mary & God’s Special Presence in Scripture / Bodily Assumption of Mary (John Saward: Protestant) [Facebook] / Cardinal Newman on the Bodily Assumption of Mary / Ven. Fulton Sheen on the Bodily Assumption of Mary / Mary Mediatrix (Fr. William G. Most) [Facebook] ] [see complete chapter: 1996 version]
13. The Papacy and Infallibility: “The Keys of the Kingdom” [present Chapter Ten; 16 September 1993; see: 50 New Testament Proofs for Petrine Primacy & the Papacy / Papacy & Papal Infallibility: Classic Catholic Reflections / Primacy of St. Peter Verified by Protestant Scholars ] [see complete chapter: 1996 version]
APPENDIX ONE: My Conversion: Confessions of a 1980s “Jesus Freak” [published in Surprised by Truth in 1994 in similar form (see my original manuscript) and removed from the book: originally 9 December 1990; revised and expanded in 1992 and 1993]
APPENDIX TWO: Catholic Converts: The Many Roads to Rome [(11 February 1991; revised 1993); see my general observations and: Catholic Conversion: Classic Analyses (Chesterton, Belloc, Pelikan) and the brief conversion stories of St. John Henry Cardinal Newman, G. K. Chesterton, Fr. Ronald Knox, and Malcolm Muggeridge: all from 1991]
(originally 1-5-11; greatly revised, with updated links on 2-19-21)
Photo credit: original self-published cover of my first book (2001). The book was completed in May 1996.
Summary: Documentation of my earliest forays into Catholic apologetics after 1990: including the original 1994 much longer (750-page) version of my first book, A Biblical Defense of Catholicism.